SMP and partial points

18 Apr 2004
I've just checked my stats on EOC and have been given 470 points for a WU.

Checking my log it looks like i had a 3024 WU crash on me during the night.
Does Stanford give partial points for completion as i've no idea where this 470 points may have come from.
That's very good as far as partial credit goes - sometimes you end up with a lot less than the %'age you've done on it.

Most likely the WU got as far as it could so it sent back what had been done so far - nothing to worry about in terms of stability there :)
It's a beta so I have had a few EUE's with it. Whenever it happens the points are calculated pro rata. So its good news unless it crashes at the start, then you will get 0 point WU's.
If it's due to instability you tend to get much less than the percentage. I had an EUE a while back which netted me less than 1 point according to a mod over at the forum. It was mostly done as well, apparently it must have made a mistake at the start and calculated mostly rubbish thereafter :(
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