SMP Client up and running.

29 May 2005
Lazenby near Redcar
Ive managed to get my first SMP Client box up and running.
Thanks to Billy and Deano for all there help. :)

System spec:
Ubuntu v.6.06 TLS
DFI RS482 MATX Motherboard
AMD Opteron 165, running at 2.6GHZ
1Gb Muskin PC3200 running at 187MHz (3/2 divider)
Onboard Graphics
Maxtor 40Gb Hard drive
NEC DVD Rewriter
Aspire QPack case

The SMP client is working on Project 3020:
Average frame time: 8m 45s
WU completion time just over 14hrs
Points per day 1,000

Ive installed Ubuntu and WindowsXP as a dual boot op system, which would allow me to boot into WindowsXP for gaming or use any other Windows based software.
To run the SMP client I just boot into Ubuntu and start the client.

I intend running the SMP client on 7 boxes which will cut my electricity costs to £3.00 per day. This helps me greatly and means my production effort towards the team does not diminish.

I hope this information helps other peeps who are interested in running the SMP Client on their PCs. :)

PS: Ive yet to see if the WU is going to complete, and upload the results if it does, and after that if it download the next WU.

You can remotely log into your headless rigs for monitoring pupposes by first installing SSH using
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ssh
The package manager will take of everything from there; finding, downloading, installing, and configuring.

You can then log into a remote machine from Linux using
From Windows you can use PuTTY to accomplish the same.

I hope you enjoy yourself. :)
That's some nice PPD! Wonder if the points given will stay the same once work on the SMP client is finished?

Currently waiting for the 32-bit version so I can try this out on my Core Duo laptop - hopefully the code doesn't need to be drastically different from the 64-bit stuff?
Mattus said:
Currently waiting for the 32-bit version so I can try this out on my Core Duo laptop - hopefully the code doesn't need to be drastically different from the 64-bit stuff?
I'm not 100% sure what the issues are. The SMP client runs on an iMac with a Core Duo (32-bit). The code running there shouldn't be too hard to port over to 32-bit Linux, POSIX and all considered. I haven't really kept up to date with this as well as I should.
Thanks Billy,
all my rigs are set up using a series of KVM switches and 2 monitors, but
I will look into your suggestions above as it would help slim down my equipment even more and free up a bit of space.(only got a 1 bedroom flat) :)
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