SN25P + 8800GTS??

Don't suppose you could link us to the relevant threads?

I want to do my research before taking this expensive (yet enticing) plunge :D
woah well where do I start?

Had a lot of scares when I first put the card in, tried installing the drivers off the BFG disk and it killed my PC (blackscreened) and subsequently I couldn't boot of the hdd!! So then I booted off the XP CD and got windows back, installed the drivers from the web and was up and running..

Performance is really ace in the source engine (thats all I've tried it in so far). 100-200+ fps 1280*1024 all settings on full whack 4xAA 8xAF. Had one slightly worrying crash where all the textures corrupted in source so I quit to desktop and after that it was fine.

Big (and nice) surprise is the card is fairly quiet. Will say more about temps etc later (installing nTune now).

Oh and in about a month I'll be upgrading processor to an X2 4600+ and sticking in 2GB of RAM, so any bottleneck I'm seeing from my current CPU and RAM should be gone ;)
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