SN25P & Cool n Quite? - CPU at 5x Multi

17 Sep 2003
SN25P & Cool n Quiet? - CPU at 5x Multi

Evening All,

I have recently changed the CPU in my Shuttle (SN25P) to a Newcastle 3500+ and have been having some problems. I think its being caused by Cool n Quiet but i can't seem to see how to turn it off :confused:

Before installing the 3500+ i was using an Opteron 144 at Stock without problems, however it seemed a waste of such a good cpu so its up for sale in MM and i have stuck in the 3500+. It was even using an out of date bios which does not / not meant to support opterons.

Anyway when running CPUz / CBI its showing Muilti as 5x and CPU at 1000Mhz and volts at only 1.00. I have tried running OCCT and sure enough it seems to go up to 2.2Ghz ok.

Things i have tried:

- Manually Settings 11x Multi and 1.5v (Stock for Newcastle I think?)
- Upgraded to the Latest Bios on the Shuttle Site (Build Dates March 06 if i remember correctly)
- CMOS Reset (Before Bios Upgrade)
- Many hunts through the bios to see if i could find anything about Cool & Quiet (Am i being Blind?)

Any Ideas ?

P.S I'm not sure if this is a CPU / Shuttle issue so was unsure where to stick it, if a Don thinks its more suited to another sections please move it :)


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It is almost definitely cool and quiet thats doing this, there should be an option in the BIOS somewhere to turn it off. Whats the shuttle used for? If its used as a sort of htpc or for other non taxing uses then cool and quiet isnt a bad idea especially with automatic fan adjustment when temps change.
Mikey1280 said:
It is almost definitely cool and quiet thats doing this, there should be an option in the BIOS somewhere to turn it off. Whats the shuttle used for? If its used as a sort of htpc or for other non taxing uses then cool and quiet isnt a bad idea especially with automatic fan adjustment when temps change.

Shuttles Used as a Surfing / Email / Second Gaming PC, also used for Lans etc. I would also like to Overclock it a bit or at least see what it can do, so really would like to turn it off :(
Hmmm I reckon its in the BIOS somewhere, I'm looking through the manual now but cant see it. I'd look in advanced BIOS features, adv chipset features and maybe power management. Anyone know where cool and quiet usually is in the bios?
Mikey1280 said:
Hmmm I reckon its in the BIOS somewhere, I'm looking through the manual now but cant see it. I'd look in advanced BIOS features, adv chipset features and maybe power management. Anyone know where cool and quiet usually is in the bios?

Thats what i thought but i have looked and looked and can't see it :(

One thing to add, im running Vista Beta 2 5308 on the shuttle, i don't think this should make a differance but think its worth pointing out incase.

Thanks for your help anyway mate :)
Did you run vista beta with the opty? I think you can also install cool and quiet as a program as well, have you checked that you havent got this?
Mikey1280 said:
Did you run vista beta with the opty? I think you can also install cool and quiet as a program as well, have you checked that you havent got this?

Yes i ran Vista Beta with the opty as well, can not remember if i checked CPUz though tbh. I have memtest on CD so will try that to see if it runs at the correct speed and try to remove Vista as a possible problem.
Hello everyone,

Thanks for your help Mikey1280 it turns out it was Vista. Please see below:


It was set to balanced :(


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