sn25p installation prob

13 Feb 2003
Right at the start of the installation guide (p7 if you have the the same manual as me), 'removing the rack' - it's only moving about 3mm, and I swear if i try any harder, those plasting finger holes are going to snap.

Anyone else experience this? Know a solution?

Thanks for any help :)
you have pulled the plastic arms up from there positions right?? befroe trying to pull back the drive tray??

the black arms hold the dt in place and are unlocked by simply lifting them up with your finger.

i had a similar problem at first, until i realised it was me doing it wrong.
I nearly fell for this a couple of weeks ago ( and I DID snap the massive cpu guard off as it wouldnt unattach from the inside front of the chassis, no matter how gently i coaxed it)
yeah i heard it but thought it was too late, but it still firmly clips to mobo so it aint so bad - but I believe people have comletely got rid of them with no real issue anyway
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