SN25P Ram problems

28 Sep 2004
Sunny blackburn
Hi all,

Just bought an SN25P with the following specs..

3700 sandiego @ Stock
x800gto2 @ x850xt speeds
1 x 74 raptor and 1 x 160 maxtor sata drives
2 x 1gig corsair xms 3200cpt cas 2

The machine will run spot on with just one stick in the machine, However put the other stick in and it would not boot. Anyway messed about with voltage and timings, and finally got into windows with 2 gig. Trouble is, it just isnt stable. Even with the timings slackend as far as they will go i cannot get this thing stable (3-7-7-15!!) Tried voltage at 2.6-2.9 and neither will help. Changing from T1 to T2 dosent help either.

Both sticks are memtested and work fine, i just cant understand it? Can anybody shed any light on this? If not, anybody else with the SN25 tell me which 2 gig ram combination they use?

Thanks for the replys,

Have just updated to latest bios and that didnt help.

Was looking at the mushkin kits on ocuk the the other day, may give them a try.
Well i ended up plumping for the muskin kit and it booted first time with two gig :)

Still cant understand why the xms wouldnt work :confused:

It was tested with mem test in single stick config and both sticks did over 9hrs each, without error.

Heh ho, at least it works now :D
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