SN25P Rear 60MMs

13 Jan 2004
Are really annoying with a horrible grinding like noise when they go anywhere above 5%.

Can they be swapped for a pair of new ones, or possibly even something to quiten them back down?
Yes, as long as you can find another pair of 60mms it will be straight forward :)

Just remove the back fan covers and they screw right out
One small problem you may have is the 2 fans go into one 4 pin connector so you may need to run them off molex.

i bought some silent x ones but it was too much messing around so i sold them again.
or take appart the 4-pin plug, cut the old ones off, and solder the new ones in their place, then put the 4-pin plug back together :)
Humm, its worth the hassle to be honest. The noise which they make is just annoying.

Surely I should not need to touch the 4-Pin connector, just slice the fans from thier cables and re-connect the new fans to the now free cabling. :confused:
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