I've had a SN41G2 shuttle for 4 years now, and it has been a great little media center PC. In the past six months there has been a delay in pressing the powerup button and the shuttle actually booting up, from a number of seconds, to up to 20 minutes. When the power lead is plugged in, the green power LED on the motherboard does not immediately come on, instead it's very gradual to brighten up - almost like the current is just trickling through very slowly.
I've searched around on the net and found a number of people with a similar problem, but no actual solution - has anyone here managed to fix, or confirm what the problem is ?
My own guess would be that it may just need a new power supply, but I thought I'd ask in here before ordering a new one.
I've searched around on the net and found a number of people with a similar problem, but no actual solution - has anyone here managed to fix, or confirm what the problem is ?
My own guess would be that it may just need a new power supply, but I thought I'd ask in here before ordering a new one.