SN41G2 Processor Speed Problem

18 Oct 2002
I've been given a Shuttle SN41G2 to look at. It's got "Media Center" on it and the immediate problem is that it's complaining that the hardware isn't compatible. I take it to be the embedded GeForce4 MX 32MB which is the problem and I'm going to suggest a suitable card with a TV tuner, etc. Any suggestions?

The main problem is that the processor seems to be clocked at 1100 MHz and there's nothing I can do about it. I've tried setting the FSB to 200 MHz in the BIOS but when the machine is running, various CPU utilities report the FSB to be 100 MHz. The machine also seems to lose its date/time setting. I've looked around the 'net and apparently the battery can cause these problems if it's past its prime and sure enough, having taken it out, it registered a fraction of a volt on a meter. I replaced the battery and while the date/time seems OK now, it still starts up as 1100 MHz, despite the BIOS FSB being set to 200 MHz.

I've updated the BIOS to the latest one though admittedly the versioning is a little confusing. The model number on the bottom of the unit is SN41G2 and the motherboard is an FN41 v2.0. but does this mean the Shuttle itself is an SN41G2 version 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0? The BIOS when I save it is 256K so it's not a 3.0 which has a 512K BIOS and the motherboard won't allow the v1.0 BIOS to be used to flash it either (I've tried) which means it must be the version 2.0 I guess.

Any suggestions welcome :)
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