Now, there is one thing I've noticed this year, possibly some of last.
Almost every day, if not every day, I watch a program that uses at least one or two of the songs from the Snatch soundtrack in a show, sometimes even more than that.
And I'm not exaggerating at all here, I've heard about three tracks so far today used in two programs already.
Has anyone else noticed this?
The movie is 7 years old, why is the Soundtrack getting so much usage on TV now of all years.
It just strikes me as extremely odd that it's getting so overused.
Almost every day, if not every day, I watch a program that uses at least one or two of the songs from the Snatch soundtrack in a show, sometimes even more than that.
And I'm not exaggerating at all here, I've heard about three tracks so far today used in two programs already.
Has anyone else noticed this?
The movie is 7 years old, why is the Soundtrack getting so much usage on TV now of all years.
It just strikes me as extremely odd that it's getting so overused.