‘Snooper’s charter’: four Lords in bid to pass changed version before election

9 Jun 2006
I thought I would make this post to increase awareness on this issue.

It has recently appeared in the news that several lords have amended a new counter-terrorism bill to include the 'snooper's charter', and hope to have it passed before the election. You can read more here.

Something with such huge consequences should never be rushed through like this. It needs to go through the process of consultation and debate.

For those who don't know, the Communications Data Bill (AKA 'snooper's charter') was shot down in 2013 thanks to Nick Clegg and was prevented being being re-introduced again in the 2010-2015 parliament. It is a massive violation of privacy, the wrong approach to a problem, and a step on a slippery slope. There are plenty of resources that help explain why this is bad for us, the Open Rights Group is a good starting point (see here).

It sounds silly but sending tweets to lords could actually make quite a different - they probably are not aware of the amendments.

You can do that from here:

Last edited:
9 Jun 2006
According to: http://www.parliament.uk/business/news/2015/january/lords-counter-terrorism-and-security-bill/

You are correct.

It seems that I have completely missed the point. Why are people getting bent out of shape over this new 'amendment'? It's already too late.

That's what you get for ignoring the world, we only have ourselves to blame. I'd say it's time to live in a cave, but that's what allowed this to happen in the first place. I'm quite angry at myself now.

Any opposition we show towards this is a good thing, no matter how difficult it may seem to make a difference :)
9 Jun 2006
Despite being rejected a week ago, the same lords tried to bring it back again this week.

Fortunately it has been withdrawn, see #SnoopersCharter.

Here is a quote from Lord King who tried to bring it back:
I am not a tweeter, but we’ve got Facebook, we’ve got Twitter and somebody tried to explain to me what WhatsApp is, somebody else tried to explain to me Snapchat. My lords, I don’t know about them, but what is absolutely clear is that the terrorists and jihadists do.

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