Snow + handbrake = win

22 Jun 2005
heh heh been playing around in the snow for the first time ever and its pretty damn cool, the road that leads to my house is pretty much deserted all the time so I can mess about on there ;)

Shame the snow has nearly melted here :( the ABS goes kinda beserk though when you brake ;)
turn it off or remove the fuse?

had a wee bit of fun my self, deserted carriageway one of the splits in the middle, handbraked from the far left lane on one side between the gap and into the far lane on the other side to ge to a mates house top fun..... til you crash!
I had to say the snow did also made me get out there showing the handbrake what its made for. Its a really old car that I hate driving so advoid so and drive our new car.

But it has none of this ABS etc... spins a dream. Spin me right round baby right round....
a miss not having a care in the world and just gliding where i wanted to glide to on the snow. but after being told off a few times for it i dont want to push my lick and am to scared to do anything anymore :(
just to let you guys know it is iligal even in an empty carpark. have fun and be safe ;)

Woke up yesterday morning (Sat) to find a blanket of snow, I had to return the my work company car that morning too.. Decided to drive it, main roads were ok, got to work - biiiiiig empty car park, full of untouched snow :D

I Privileged the security cctv cams with my handbrake turns hehe

Hand brake turns are fun :D
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