So children's TV is usually annoying and naff except...

26 Oct 2007
Death Star or Mount Doom, it depends on the day.
Bluey! I actually do love this show. It's funny, informative (to kids obviously) and even tugs on the heart strings. Most importantly, it's not annoying.
The episode where Bluey dreams about becoming a fruit bat has VERY annoying music, though...
I like her parents, though. Some good examples of simple, sound parental interaction that a lot of people could do with seeing rather than just chucking a tablet at their kids.
No idea about Bluey, but when we looked after our then 2 y.o. great-niece every Tuesday, Peppa Pig amused me just as much as her.
She’s 9 this week and came round to collect her birthday gift.
I said, “Shall I check to see if there are any Peppa Pig episodes still on the planner?”
She said, “Uncle Jean, what ARE you like?”
Bluey! I actually do love this show. It's funny, informative (to kids obviously) and even tugs on the heart strings. Most importantly, it's not annoying.
"I slipped on ma beans!"

I don't actually have a child young enough for Bluey any more, but I have a niece who is, and we were subjected to a few episodes while on a family holiday. I did genuinely enjoy the 'grannies' episodes. If only because the actual granny who was present on the holiday was enjoying being grumpy about Bluey and Bingos depiction of her generation.
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