so has everyone realised that the new xbox is crap yet?

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11 Jun 2004
well i wouldve thought that by now the games will seem hollow and not that special and the console itself starting to become an eyesore. admittedly i think all consoles are really pants and gaming in general these days is a total sell out (take me back to pc games like system shock II, c&c, half-life, quake II, hidden & dangerous anyday!

these new mutli talented media centres these days lack the creativity they were born out of with just more and more people wanting to make money out of the consumer boom.

just wanted to share my opinion with you really as i have come to realise i would never by an xbox - the closest i might come to a console is to get an old psII for some of the classics like ICO, MGS, RE4, etc

bubi for now
posting that on the console forum will no doubt wind people up so why do it

anyway i have a 360 so i mite come across fanboyish, and no doubt this thread will be locked

But the 360 isnt carp, my xbox is smaller than my old gaming pc, so its less of an eyesore, if you saw the pics of my room on 1 thread you would agree, although the xbox 360 is ugly, who cares? it may be you are one of the people who buy iplods purely because they look nice.

The games are not hollow imo but thats my personal opinion you are entitled to yours, im not having a go a just dont see the point in the thread tbh
360's ok. wait for some decent titles. but surely a console that isn't really attempting something stupidly out of the ordinary isn't going to offer you a totally creative gaming experience. i mean, it's all pretty much derivative when you think about it. all they're doing is producing the same games and improving the graphics.

having said that, what the 360 has done for online console gaming has been great. an awesome improvement from the xbox, which is really all you can ask for :)

da_mic_1530 said:

is this the "in" thing to be calling an ipod now? if it is, just thought i'd let you know that it isn't funny and it is so far from clever, i dont think they've even heard of each other.
I think you will find quite a few of us are rather taken with the 360. May I suggest you head back to the PC Gaming section?
All I can really say to that is bye!

That sounds like a very keep it to yourself, or lets start an argumet opinion.
If you really want an answer, no it is not crap, I have 5 games and have played a bit of 4 of them and cant seem to prise myself of PGR3 to have a proper go at the rest of them. Awesome!
Sic said:
is this the "in" thing to be calling an ipod now? if it is, just thought i'd let you know that it isn't funny and it is so far from clever, i dont think they've even heard of each other.

apart from the 5th gen they arnt worth it to be honest, im not trying to be big or clever, lets not go off topic here. as i said to the orginial OP we are all entitled to our own opinion, but some people disagree with it. Admittedly i have picked up the term iplod and type it without really thinking now tbh
Having both a PC and a xbox360 I would say you can't really compare the two. Imho (humble!) try playing a 5 player game of Pro Evo 5 with your mates round on a PC. Does not really do it does it? PC not being in the living room, setup for 1 person to sit round, all the fiddleing about loading games etc etc. In the same vain play Civ 4 on a console or something like WoW, does not really do it.

Must say that you have made a very bold statement, if thats how you feel then don't come to the console forum, as long as you enjoy your gaming and other enjoy theirs I don't see a problem, why try and bash thing you know nothing about.
Ive been looking at Gears Of War, and all i can say is WOW!!! :eek:

I just hope its got the playability to match the fantastic graphics as it looks an absolute cracker. :cool:
I love the 360 actually, imho you can even get close to a game like PGR3 on a pc, especially when you're playing on a 42" plasma HDTV online with yer OCUK buddies.

Of course Pc is great at fps gaming which is all good and fun, but tbh since I got my 360 I haven't touched a pc game.

Plus the 360 is very cheap compared to a PC imho.

You just sound jealous to be honest. Nice work Trollboy.
I liked the 360 so much I had bought 3 (2prem, 1 core), one for each room with a TV, I even got several of the games twice they were so good. But I couldn't resist the sweet taste of money so I sold the lot, made a tidy profit and instead of getting the chance to buy a 4th system out of the profits the wife decided to buy a tumble dryer. :mad: :eek: :mad:

The fact remains it is a pretty amazing machine, has some really good games, offers the chance to play these on a decent size screen (even PC ports COD etc), has enough cooling fans to act as an interim air conditioning unit and controllers that are so sexily comfortable, I regularly travel to work with one stuffed down my boxer shorts.
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