so how do i..

go to the sig builder in the main sticky and upload your sig.. and mess round getting it to look nice

its got to be 100% quality, else it looks all pixelated :) it kind of doesnt all nicely fit on your picture though, unless you take all the team info off
Admiral Huddy said:
mm i don't seem to be able to upload my background picture?

Can anyone else try..

You have to upload from local disk, not from the web:

That'll get you started. Paste that image's URL into the box that says "Load settings from URL" and you'll be greeted with the settings for that sig. It's pretty intuitive once you get going.
I was starting to make a sigs section to the quick guide and theres a link to nulls sig generator there for future reference.
I made the section because i couldn't find a link anywhere for it.
Just watch out for 100% quality. 99% of the time or more the resulting image is too big for the forum (20kB max). The most I've ever had it at and still got under 20kB was 95% - perhaps use 90% as a starting point and see - visually there's very little difference between 90 and 100.

Hope this helps, null :)
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