So how does a 17" MBP actually stack up for the H/W performance?

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18 Oct 2002

So I am looking at a 15 or 17 inch MBP- but just wondering - how does it actually stack up in terms of a piece of hardware and how much are you paying just for the Apple name? I mean if I were to order a Windows lappy from a top manufacturer (Thinking a Sony/ Lenovo or something) specced the same, what sort of price am I looking at?

Now, one of the main reasons I want an MB is to get away from Windows and seeing as I can't really get what I want by using Linux on a laptop, this seems like the only option.

i was in the same situation as yourself. I was looking at either an alienware or the 17 macbook. Not sure about the vaios or lenovos though so cant comment on those.

I chose the macbook largely due to its build quality and size to performance ratio. I dont think you will find anywhere near the power in such a small (relatively speaking for a 17") laptop.

Theres no doubt that you can get a better spec on a windows laptop eg my mates alienware m15x cost him around the 100 less than my 17" macbook and has a similar spec (slightly lower cpu and DDR2 not 3) but the 9800m gt card which is a massive jump up!

Are you paying for the name? Yes, but no where near as much as it used to be IMO because the build quality of this thing is just awesome. Ive never owned a laptop where ive actually thought "wow!" until now...

Hope that helps :)
The price difference between Apple and top end Dell (or whatever) isn't that big and given the better build quality and inclusion of OSX I'd say it is worth going for the MacBook Pro.

Hell it used to be (is?) the best laptop for running Vista!
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