so... i bought some more hosting

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
and now i want to put stuff on it.
I was going to learn PHP and CSS a while back but other stuff got in the way and I still suck at it.

What's a decent CMS (Free, works on apache) that I can use?

I was gonna go with wordpress but someone told me it was old and crap. Is there any truth in this?

I just want to use it as a blog type thing that I have a lot of control over, and then can make my own site when I stop sucking at life.
Wordpress is awesome. As mentioned, you can use Joomla or something equivalent, but for blogging and general ease of use, wordpress will be perfect!
JOOMLA IS TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok now we've got that out the way, use WordPress.
JOOMLA IS TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok now we've got that out the way, use WordPress.

People keep saying this, but Joomla is not terrible. I've built several client sites with it and its actually a very powerful CMS.

However, I wouldn't disagree that for a simple blog, WordPress is probably the best choice in this instance.
I was gonna go with wordpress but someone told me it was old and crap. Is there any truth in this?

People are missing the most important lesson to be learned here - other than to use WordPress.

Ignore this person about any future advice they give you!!
Wordpress or Joomla will be good choice. Really like Wordpress as it has the one-click plugin install function for noob ;) As for Joomla more coding knowledge is needed.
Depends really on the type of site you wish to create. Some "CMS" do some things better than others.

WordPress - Is a good choice as it doesn't have a high learning curve and has plenty of available plugins to extend its capabilities it can also be manipulated to cover most types of sites but that doesn't make it the best choice for every site more of a "jack of all, master of none".

symphony-cms - Is about as nimble as they come, a real pleasure to work with but not as out of the box friendly if you don't know how to code.
Joomla - is having a resurgence and is a fantastic CMS.
Drupal - is also an excellent CMS but not without its problems.
TextPattern - good blogging choice
ExpressionEngine - Very well coded but not open source
Movable Type - Also an excellent candidate but pretty much lost the race to WordPress a few years ago so doesn't have the same size community backing it giving you less extendability.

All said and done WordPress probably is the easiest for you to get into but don't limit yourself try a few and take what other people advise with a pinch of salt especially if they use an excessive amount of caps or bold text as this only highlights their own lack of knowledge of the subject.

P.S to all the above offenders:
Hate to burst your bubble but if you're going to call out others then it's "Symphony" and "Textpattern" ;)

I had been wondering for years what this wordpress was that people kept going on about. I kept googling wordpress and nothing came up but now I know its WordPress I have found it. :rolleyes:
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