So I fell of my bike.... Do I need a new helmet

26 Oct 2007
Death Star or Mount Doom, it depends on the day.
It was on my way to work on one of these fine winters mornings. Black ice is the Devil. I was doing about 20 something, some how ended falling backwards and I seem to have chipped my Caberg V2R helmet. Besides from the plate being broke at the top, I only have a few scratches on it. Do I need a new helmet???
I did give me head a pretty good smacking. Its chipped away and broke the plate along the top. Damn, they are so expensive right near a time when you don't need expense.
of = off right? (sorry ocuk standards have become engrained on me)

Anyway bounce the helmet off the floor = new helmet, they are a bit of a one accident only thing.

Look at it on the bright side though, excuse to get something really cool/matching with the rest of your set up! :)

Ahhh just realised that typo. I did get a curly k in eNGLAnd I swure. What skool did you went to;
Right ok, message recieved. I was looking at the Caberg EGO. Will I be the same head size?? I was a large in the V2r.
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