So i gave in to my mates and bought bf2..

20 Oct 2005
Newcastle Upon Tyne
But for gods sake the sniper rifle is worse than the scout in css! lying prone It took me 4 shots to kill a guy and leading my target seemed a bit...well...hopeless. So, are there are rates I can set in bf2? My mate tells me that ive gotta get some points up so i can upgrade the weapons, but im so pants at bf2 atm its gonna take me forever lol.

Anyway having an awesome time just crashing the vehicles mainly :D

the game lives up to the hype!
The unlocked sniper rifle is barely better than the original ones (some say worse), but in the new patch they're adjusting the accuracy of the sniper rifle along with a couple of other things, so it may get better for snipers but worse for infantry :(

Tip: Use the "Create local server" option to learn to fly the helis/jets to avoid people trying to kick you for constantly crashing jets, and only play on ranked servers so you can build up your points for the unlocks.
the unlocked sniper is a quality weapon. You just need to get used to it.
You'll get your first unlock after 500 points iirc.
The M95 (sniper unlock) is truly poor.

The M24 is the mutts nutts, you do realise that u wont kill anyone with any of the sniper rifles unless u get a head shot? (or they have depleted health) Even the M95 wont kill someone will a single shot to the body + the fact its about as accurate as a spud gun.

The M24 is the only sniper rifle worth using IMO, its the only one accurate enough to hit running targets with and doesnt have huge accuracy deviations over distance like the M95. Always aim for the head unless uve seen the target take damage previously then u may well kill him.
modo77 said:
the unlocked sniper is a quality weapon. You just need to get used to it.
You'll get your first unlock after 500 points iirc.

ah last i looked i had 280 points, best get me some action then!
Phil99 said:
Tip: Use the "Create local server" option to learn to fly the helis/jets to avoid people trying to kick you for constantly crashing jets, and only play on ranked servers so you can build up your points for the unlocks.
I think ill do that (after i get the first unlock :D) good idea!
Jamie1984 said:
I think ill do that (after i get the first unlock :D) good idea!

Lol... i never created a local game server to fly stuff. Although i got shouted at a few times for crashing and killing team mates manning the guns on heli's etc, learnt my lesson though :P Glad you're enjoying it. The G3 unlock is also pretty cack, so dont go for that. But then again you should go for whichever class suits you best.
Hehe Im a new player aswell. I was on top of a water tower thing defending with the default sniper rifle. It took 2 hits to get a kill but worked okay. Slow reload time was the only downer (think that was USA rifle?).

Hehe yeah I was by myself and had a jet respawn next to me thought wahey! Took off flew about 2 feet and crashed and blew up 2 heli's on our pad - oops!!!

Helicopter I managed to fly okay the 2nd time (1st time hover - splat) not far and not fast but got there in the end.

I have to say some of the players really impress me with the flying of heli's and jets.
It impressive just to watch especially if your sniping - like being in black hawk down :)
1ofaKind said:
Hehe Im a new player aswell. I was on top of a water tower thing defending with the default sniper rifle. It took 2 hits to get a kill but worked okay. Slow reload time was the only downer (think that was USA rifle?).

Hehe yeah I was by myself and had a jet respawn next to me thought wahey! Took off flew about 2 feet and crashed and blew up 2 heli's on our pad - oops!!!

Helicopter I managed to fly okay the 2nd time (1st time hover - splat) not far and not fast but got there in the end.

I have to say some of the players really impress me with the flying of heli's and jets.
It impressive just to watch especially if your sniping - like being in black hawk down :)

The jet fliers really impress me. Its like, woah...surely they must use a joystick or something? As i really struggle to fly those things. Heli's, easy, jets, impossible. :/ The american sniper is the bolt action, so yeh. Once.. on BF2, i was a chinaman on erm.. dragon valley i think, anyhoo it had a massive bridge with a huge drop into water.. i was driving along the side of the drop in my jeep minding my own business... when a tank and an apc came towards me, i was like, oh damn, so i veered to the left and tried to get across the bridge but i missed and started to fall, at that point i jumped out the jeep, and got my chute out just in time, the jeep exploded and the tak and apc thought i had died hehe.. it was cool at the time!! Maybe not now that im explianing it XD

Edit: The tank and the apc were the americans and enemies ¬_¬
in the last couple of days I've had some amazing shots with the sniper rifles (M24 if I am US) M95 if I am any of the others ...

Got a couple of kills on dragon valley today from the central temple against an enemy sniper on the southernmost hill of the map (skirting the edge) :D sniper and his mate out in the boonies killed em both once

Also I have ONCE shot and killed the pilot of a blackhawk with the M95, was extremely funny watching the helo start falling out of the sky, nearly hit the ground and then start going up again as a quickthinking guy inside jumped into the pilot seat :D

also fallen in love with the scar-L twice since I've got it I've plinked a random shot at stupid range (300+meters going by nearest flags) and killed people with one shot to the head :D

The two rifles I mentioned are both reasonably good, and once you are used to the lead / incrementation/drop off, they are fairly reliable in extreme range combat, plus claymores are amazing.
And ticking the "invert controls" box in the control options...I've ploughed a jet in to the water so many times after a clean install where I've forgotten to set the controls up :(
Phil99 said:
And ticking the "invert controls" box in the control options...I've ploughed a jet in to the water so many times after a clean install where I've forgotten to set the controls up :(

I honestly do not know how people can use the default flight controls, it un-natural.
I'm a BF2 n00b too. Bought it yesterday after finding it for £15 :D I'm into CoD2 atm, but couldn't resist.

Taking a while to figure everything out, & got my ass kicked last night. :p But with some practice I hope I can actually fly the planes/copters.
Am I right in thinking some ppl use a PS2 pad for vehicle control?

Any tips for a n00b?
tips for a noob?

Ive just started playing about 4 hours a day so im getting pretty good now, and i can fly a helicopter without crashing :p

To practice flying, create a local server and practice on there so you dont annoy or kill other players.

When using anti-aircraft placements, lock onto target but dont fire. Wait for them to release flares and the relock onto target. Fire!

Get into a team and watch other peoples techniques.

Remember, even when leaping from a high wall you can still deploy your chute saving you from damage.

You may, like some people like to hop about in a gunfight. IMHO this makes you a ****. jumping down onto the floor is ok as its what soldiers would do when under fire, however, i doubt very much if they teach our army lads to jump around when being shot at!

Most importantly...


as a fellow noob do you have an extra choice like me for the type of player..... w8 for it.

Special Ops
Cannon Fodder :D

Last night I decided to spawn on the carrier. Scratch 2 jets :O luckily I was on my own so no biggy. I'm sticking to the vehicles they rule.

Last night my best tactic was to put C4 round the flag I was defending and blow the enemy to smithereens - felt good :)
jets are a little harder to fly than helicopters. Try using an outside view of the aircraft and see if that helps. Also try setting the controls up properly, i found i had to invert controls for the jet.

Only problem ive found so far with using a mouse to fly is that in steep tight turns its a pain having to move the mouse so much.

Id suggest that you use Spec ops, anti tank or medic to start with until you get a good feel for the game.
I remember when I first got into it - really good fun. But I get really narced by people in planes that bomb you 6 or 7 times in a round just after you've got some armour. Heli gunners who can TV missile so accurately they can decide which of your balls they want to hit.
I lost my sense of fun a little while after I achieved a positive kill to death ratio - the stats started to seem more important than the game for me. I might have another go at it soon.
Save me creating yet another BF2 thread I'll tag on the end of this one, I'm looking for a new game and I'm considering BF2, I've already played a few of the single player levels on a friends PC which I enjoyed.

But my question is I'll probably only play it a few evenings a week (odd couple of hours here and there), now will I be able to enjoy it or would I expect to cannon fodder in every single game or are there still plenty of other people just getting into it?
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