So i got a free Ipod Touch 8Gb

If you like tower defence games, FieldRunners is amazing. Really really good fun.
Air Sharing is great for sharing files wirelessly with your iPod.
iFitness is a great app for monitoring your workouts.
iShoot is a similarly addictive tank worms-like game.
Flixster is a quick way to check cinema times, reviews and your mates' opinions via your facebook account.

They're my most used apps.
I have installed on mine (although I do have a few quid put aside to invest in the paid apps soon).


Crash Kart, eBay, Enigmo, Face Melter, Super Monkey Ball, Sketches, Wurdle, Platinum Solitaire, FlightControl, Cathca Mouse 2, Copter, TapDefence, Monopoly.
Yeah and if you can some of these games have "Lite" or free versions, so its always good to check for those first to see if you like a app or not. ;)

Ive been meaning to get flight control, whats it like Justin? :)
Got a few bits and bobs last night.. had a play and got it on the wireless... Prretty impressed. liked the IM+ Lite seemed to do pretty much everything that i wanted.. had a play with the Facebook stuff etc..
I just got my free 16gig one, won it at work at an awards thing! :D Quite good really because I had my old ipod photo stolen from my motor a month ago.

I'll be doing the app thing tonight I recon, although the problem I've got atm is I have 22gig of mp3s, so I've been sorting them out over the weekend and I'm down to 19gig :o.

I'm just looking forward to browsing the net in bed!
I have some very cool apps on my iphone (not sure if they all work on ipods?), the ones I would reccomend are:

Remote - Control Itunes from your phone
VLC Remote - Handy for changing volume of films when watching them in bed
Shazam - Always usefull when you need to find the name of a son
Simplify - Access music on your itunes on your pc via your iphone wirelessly and be able to stream them. Works anywhere.
AirMouse - Use your phone/ipod as a wireless mouse/keyboard
Jaadu VNC - This is one of the coolest, allows you to remote view and control your pc.

As for games these are my fave:

Bejewled 2
Sonic 1
TNA Wrestling
Assassins Creed
Any of the tap taps
Flick Fishing
Time Crisis
Stick Wars
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