Well as some of you might of read on my other posts i just got myself a mac mini and the first thing i did was change the hard drive and add 4GB of ram and now i have had some time to play with it I've found a few things that i need some help with please.
when i open a app it opens up in a small window so i drag the bottom right corner to make it bigger but it doesn't stay that size when i open it again so is there a way of getting it to remember the size i make it.
Also last night i set the Mini so sleep before i went to bed but i found the mini to be awake when i woke up in the middle of the night so does having the mail app or skype app make it come out of sleep mode ?
text is not as sharp when on some forums or website like OCUK is there a way to improve it ?
there maybe some more but still getting the feel of it but so far i love the Mac mini.
when i open a app it opens up in a small window so i drag the bottom right corner to make it bigger but it doesn't stay that size when i open it again so is there a way of getting it to remember the size i make it.
Also last night i set the Mini so sleep before i went to bed but i found the mini to be awake when i woke up in the middle of the night so does having the mail app or skype app make it come out of sleep mode ?
text is not as sharp when on some forums or website like OCUK is there a way to improve it ?
there maybe some more but still getting the feel of it but so far i love the Mac mini.