So i have the 30D now ...

26 Oct 2002

I have had the 300D for over 2 years and always loved it, well except the horrid layout, so it will be sad to see it go. After getting the 30D body for £620 i was expecting it to be better but more in the handeling but it is in a different league imo ! Quicker, better metering and much nicer to hold and use. The jump has been better and more than i expected - anyone thinking of doing the same, do it !!

Couple of pics from the 30D so far :


Psilonaught said:
personally i would only upgrade from my 350D to a camera that is actually better at producing images. I'd love a 5D but it's too much for me to justify

I went from a 300d - its a huge step up, final output is marginally better but the better metering, spot metering + handeling make it worth it. The 350D was never an option for me as its too small and imo horrible to hold and use.

5D was an option but i dont have the lenses to justify the 5D purchase, im really happy with the 30D so can now build up my lens collection :)
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