So i need some advice...

12 Jun 2008
I'm on my third night at uni, and so far things have been going relatively well until now. I'm living on campus in a student house with 11 other people, composed of three floors and most of the people are pretty decent and genuine. However tonight the two guys on my same floor came back a bit tanked up, and both started playing guitar with the door open at 3 in the morning. There both in the room now still playing and now have music on as well, and its driving me completely insane and has got me incredibly worried as I'm going to have to spend the rest of the year with these people.

It sounds like I'm a complete killjoy :p I've been going out myself but tonight just genuinely needed rest and have gotten around 3 hours sleep. The obvious solution would be asking them to keep it down, but these guys are honestly total douche bags and aren't approachable.

What would be the best thing to do in this situation? Has anyone been/currently at uni and is having the same issue?
Get some balls and go tell them to turn it off, if they don't then sit in their room and eat their food before making them turn it off.

If all else fails smash the thing up and KO them both.

I'm guessing you're a mary, so the above is too manly for you - just go tell them to turn it off.
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Go and give them a slap and tell them to respect others who are trying to sleep, failing that wait till they full asleep then take a **** on them.
What is it with 80% of guitarists? They seem to think that everyone wants to listen to them try and play some complete pile of tripe?

Got people like that in work, they bring their guitars in and start strumming away, badly! Usually something like Wonderwall too!

Just go in there, tell them to shut the hell up. You can't be the only one annoyed with it.
Wait until they've been quiet, i.e. asleep for about an hour, then wire up whatever you have that will make a comparable noise and play it at unreasonable levels.

See how they like it.

Obviously the best thing would've been to ask them nicely first.
ear plugs, and if you can still hear them ear protectors over the ear plugs. you'll sleep like a baby. They need telling though.
Why are they not approachable? If someone was hacking into my sleep time I would be straight to thier door telling them put the guitar down or use it as a tooth pick
Just go up to them and ask them to either close the door or not play at silly o clock in the morning. As long as you are civil they should be cool with it and may not realise that they are keeping anyone else awake.
As others have said - go and ask them to turn the music down and be more considerate. If you're not comfortable doing this you could get one of your housemates to do it, but why should they take the heat when it's you that this is annoying?

There really is no other solution. You can't expect things to magically happen on their own. Either you put up with it, or you don't.
Ask them to turn it off.

If they dont cut every plug and lead on all their gear, it will take them hours to put it all right and they might think next time.
Just close their door/ask them to turn it down: 'mate I've got a 9am class tomorrow would you mind?' normally works.
Do what I did in my first year and was starved of sleep before an exam I had a 9am (by my drunken housemate) Wait a few days then go out and leave something like slammin vinyl or hardcore heaven on all day at full blast.

They will soon get the message

Similar things work when people eat your food or use your shampoo and never buy any in return. Almost drink all your milk then wee in the bit that left, add fairy liquid or oven cleaner to your shampoo. Sorted!
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