So I took the plung!

2 Jul 2004
East Midlands
Hey Guys,

After 14 years of using windows I went out on Saturday and bought myself a shiny new Macbook 2.4Ghz.

Absolutely stunning piece of design, I know it sounds kind of lame etc but everything down to the way it was packaged just ticked all the boxes. I love apples design and this has got to be the most beautiful computer i've ever owned

Now for the history, i've always walked into the apple shop during weekend shopping trips and had a play about on the various bits of kit in there and my thoughts were always 'yeah this feels good but its nothing special' basically I thought they were nice but couldnt see the appeal over my windows notebook. My IBM did everything I wanted it to, it was small reasonably fast and built like a tank which was everything I thought I could want. Of course there is small fact that I knew how to use the operating system.

So after getting it home and out the box I fired it up and went through the initial setup which was quick and easy not too painful. Then after never doing anything more on a mac than flicking through itunes in the shop I managed to install all my programs that i use and have them all setup correctly without a problem. Everything just works its so simple, even got all the codecs for quicktime installed, Miro, VLC the lot I honestly cant believe i've never thought of buying one of these before and i've always been a bit of a mac sceptic.

I'm still getting used to the nuts and bolts of this machine but so far I think its absolutely fantastic, something I never thought i'd say about a Mac. I am completely sold on this OS and cant see myself going back to a PC for anything. It does everything my thinkpad did only faster with less hassel and with a hell of a lot more style.

Pics to follows

Thanks for listening

No idea i'm afraid I don't play games, however I can report that blender and sketchup work a treat

Sounds great. Glad your happy with your new system, I'm the same as you was. I always end up going into the Apple store and just having a play about with nothing more than the webcam features and obviously having a little browse around iTunes.

I honestly wouldn't mind trying a Mac out for a while, would then get a good grasp of how the operating system works etc then basing my decision to perhaps change over from Windows. The only thing that holds me back is the easy-ness Windows provides. For example, theres always software out there that will work with Windows, Mac is not always guaranteed which is a bit of a shame.

I think their product design and everything is excellent however, I remember when I got my first iPod I was amazed with the attention to detail.

Glad your enjoying the change over.
Pics as requested, currently watching an episode of Cnet Live HD on miro



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