So I'm also in Liverpool's 800th birthday calendar

18 Oct 2002
Nr. Liverpewl
This is soooooo going to seem like I'm showing off now but :p :D I read this post on the Art in Liverpool blog which mentioned the Culture Company was looking for original artworks by local artists for their Liverpool 2007 800th birthday calendar. Quite something. I sent them about 10 photos of various, non-hdr, images from around Liverpool hoping to get in. They came back to me and picked my least favourite image. It was an IR shot from last October taken with my Sigma 10-20. Now I don't do many IR shots with it because you need a very long exposure which creates a stupid hotspot and it just doesn't look as nice other IR shots. So I did some work on it to remove the hotspot and sepia toned it so it didn't really look like an IR shot in the end. To date, this is my single biggest sale earning me £500 for 1 single image. Just goes to show what can be done and that people do pay good money for good photos. I still retain the copyright too. I've been sitting on this since March waiting for the calendar to come out :D I'm really honoured as its quite a historic calendar really. How many other people can say they're in the 800th birthday calendar for any city?





The text says...

Liverpool's Grace.

The 3 Graces are the iconic figures of Liverpool. People all over the world recognise them as a symbol of Liverpool, a symbol of everything Liverpool has achieved over the past 800 years. They see the Beatles, John Lennon, two football clubs, two cathedrals and most recently, they see a Capital of Culture like no other. For this photograph I wanted to create a feeling of a timeless Liverpool. A dark stormy day to show that no matter what Liverpool's skyline, its 3 Graces, will always be standing as a symbol of a great city.
Raymond Lin said:
congrats pete, yet again some achievement :)

p.s. we have the same keyboard and mouse !!!!!

Ta. Best combo imho :D

ElDude said:
Show off :D

As I've not looked in depth at selling photos (mainly because I'm well aware my shots are not upto much and I'm very fussy, which is why my site hasn't got new photos added for months!), how do you go about selling yours? Online or approach people?

Just curious :)

In this case I approached them as they were looking for things. Try contacting local galleries. Never hurts to try.

Richard T said:
so, you've been busy then!!

well done again Pete :D

Oh yes. Got other things brewing too.
Fstop11 said:
Congratulations, Great image too. I think you should return to more of this photography. I like your HDR stuff but I think it just goes to show that traditional photography (okay well IR but still) Is still very much a strong point of yours.

Yeah ideally I'd love to just that they generally look terrible. I got lucky this time I think.

hoodmeister said:
tbh pete it's a cracking shot - and it's the stupid long exposure which makes it, *** with dem sweeping clouds.

Good on you sir.

Ta. I really honestly didn't like it but I guess I was just too close to it. Took an outsider to see the potential it had.
Broadbandplacey said:
congrats another good achievement and another good payday :p

although... i may be a thick peasant but that image doesn't automatically make me think of liverpool, as i've never seen them before!

WHAT?! Its the Liver Building and co. The first thing you see arriving to Liverpool by boat. Its THE iconic figure of Liverpool.

Scam said:
Thining about it, what time of day was that shot? There's no one about at all?

IR = long exposure = moving people don't show up.
TerraS said:
Congrats Pete! A good shot you kept under wraps there. :) Does this mean I need to send you some more chocolate? :p

Haha :p I've got a copy of the calendar if you want too :) I'll just whack it in with the mag :D Feel free to send more choc ;)
yak.h'cir said:
I've never been to liverpool and only know about it by reputation, the one quote that has stuck in my head about it was said just after liverpool was crowned the capital of culture; "they should send the people who found the culture in liverpool over to Iraq, maybe they'll find the WMDs too!"

Awesome picture and well done on getting published (and paid!) again!!!

Thanks, but to defend Liverpool a little. Someone once told me that the Capital of Culture isn't about taking the UK's most cultured city and giving it money, its about giving money to a growing city. Its about taking something that could do with a huge boost and giving it that boost. Liverpool is currently the top place for contemporary art outside of London. I don't know how well this would have worked at any other city, I don't know them as well as Liverpool. I do know that its doing a lot of good. I did a photo essay recently on Toronto vs Liverpool. Toronto being the worlds real capital of culture and what I found was that Liverpool simply lacked money. I came back from Toronto changed by it. Liverpool wasn't the same. However, in recent weeks I have started to see what others see in it. I really hope the council can pull this thing off as 2008 could be fantastic.
Colin_da_Killer said:
I'm not a huge fan of a wide angle lens and architecture. I nice 6x4 large format camera to correct the shapes would appeal much more to me :)

Yeah that's easily achievable :p
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