So I'm thinking of getting a new guitar...

1 Jan 2007
Hi all,

I started out playing guitar more than a few years ago on the same guitar it seems everyone starts on: a Squire Strat. I'm now thinking of getting a better guitar but I don't really know what I want or - more to the point - if I even need one.
I basically play only for me - I'm not in a band (tho I'd like to be, but how to join one?) and I don't record music or anything. I've messed around with effects boxes and better amps and they've given me a lot of options regarding sound (although my effects box is now broke so I'll probably need a new one of those anyway). Given that, am I going to see an awful lot of difference with a better guitar? Everything else being equal, would my playing sound better on a 'proper' strat for example?
As you can probably tell from the post, I know how to play guitars but not much else about em - I couldn't be sure of the difference between humbuckers and single coil for instance. But any advice is appreciated!


I think it's totally up to you. If you fancy a change - go for it :)

I recommend Epiphone's if you don't wanna spend a tonne but want a fairly decent guitar.

I went from a Sunn O))) Mustang to an Epiphone SG when I first started out and wasn't in a proper band.
Epiphones are TERRIBLE and not a better guitar than a Squire... steer clear.... look into Ibanez for a great mid-range guitar.

Go into your local music shop and try out the guitars in there
that catch your eye! ;)

The best way to determine wether it will actually make you sound
and play better is to test it.

Do you have a price range and a style of guitar you prefer?

Personally, i got an acoustic guitar and stuck with my
crappy Vintage strat copy, acoustic guitars definatly make
you sound better if you like playing acoustic music.
As you can see, it's a matter of opinion and taste.
I say ignore these posts, go to your local music shop like hobobob says and play some.
as your used to your squire i suggest a fender strat/tele... mexican

They are cheap.. and much much much better quality than squire.. I have a 2001 fender standard strat and its really good, awesome tones and superb feel.

Only my schecter is better.

But its entirely up to you, your best off going to a music shop and trying out the guitars as you will never know until you have it in your hands
I've got a couple of acoustics, happy with both of those. I'm planning to go into one of the guitar shops in town tomorrow for a play. If I did get a new one I could probably afford 300 quid, maybe a little more - I have absolutely no idea what I'd get for that but it'll be interesting to try out something new.
Thanks for the replies!
As others have said,an hour or two in the local guitar shop will give you the answers you want.

I've just bought a non-export premium Japanese Fender Strat 62 reissue.

Should be here by the weekend, they are supposed to be good, close to the US version in terms of build quality but they are nearer £500.

What about an older MIJ or CIJ Strat? they where nice too. There are usually a few for sale on auction sites.
Docaroo said:
Epiphones are TERRIBLE and not a better guitar than a Squire... steer clear.... look into Ibanez for a great mid-range guitar.

Ha. Well, personally I wouldn't agree with that. There are lemons in every range of guitars out there, including Epiphone, but with a change of pickups they are great guitars - providing you get one with a good neck.
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