so just how do you get a driving test booked!

16 Jun 2009
Just a rant really. Trying to get a test booked for my daughter and there is just nothing for the next 6 months. The dvla website is a joke, you have to put a date in for an indeterminate "range" and then just keep applying, so i've gone through every day for 3 months and nothing. Why doesn't it work like flight bookings where it shows you whole months and any availabilities. I cant even find any scalper websites to pay over the odds on! #backinmydaymoanmoanmoan
Is this a regional thing as I had no problem booking my daughter's theory test? She has it next week.

After seeing this thread I have asked her to send me her driving licence number just to see if I need to book her practical in now.

She has done 10 hours with instructor and 5 hours with me so she is not far off now.
you cant book the practical until she's passed the theory as you need a pass ID from the theory test. If anyone has any app suggestions for a cancellation sniffer then i'm all for that. I need to get her driving by September when she will need one for her job.
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