Built my first pc in years and noticed loads of different subscription based apps out. X amount of games for this much ££ a month.
any recommendations on which or how many of then are worth my £££
Microsoft one is worth it for the £1 quite a few good titles on there and new ones coming all the time so you may find it worth your while at full price once your months trial is over. I don't find many of the others even worth the trial prices.
Definatly give the Mircosoft one a go.
Xbox Game Pass, on offer, is phenomenal value. You get a huge selection of games, plus any new releases from Xbox Game Studios when they release. But the service is very 'beta', with install problems quite common (tip: if you have issues, find the game in the Windows Store and install from there, rather than from the Game Pass App - this tends to fix a lot of issues).
I love the value and offerings of Game Pass but I just hate the way it goes about installation and management of the game files. I'm actually looking forward to having xCloud on Windows 10 because then I'll just play all the Game Pass games via that and keep my Windows install a lot cleaner than it currently is. OK I'll be sacrificing resolution/frame rate but I tend to use Game Pass more as a demo service anyway. If I play something I really enjoy, like A Plague Tale/Gears 5, then I'll buy it on Steam. And thankfully all new Xbox games are coming to Steam as well.