So my 8mth old Cat got run over......

25 Nov 2004
On the road....
My 8mth old Cat - Archie - got run over yesterday, we (me & my daughter) took him to the emergency vet who diagnosed a fractured pelvis.
He was given some strong painkillers which we are topping up orally every 8 hours.
Basically, we are waiting (and praying) that he passes water, if so, this is a sign that his internals are not damaged and he will have a good chance of recovery, albeit after 6 weeks of "cage rest".

Thus far, he's passed nothing, his gums are white, we are having to give him water via a syringe - which he is reluctant to take - and he has barely moved.

He was hit at approximately 4:30PM yesterday, and has a follow up appointment at the vets first thing tomorrow morning.

Given he has had no bodily functions since the incident, and is frankly starting to smell, I am really fearing the worst for him.
It looks likely that he has internal damage, and my thinking is to have him put down to end what must be incredible suffering.

He was "screaming" when I got to him (a neighbour found him & came round to tell us of it), and whilst being bright eyed, he is lethargic, not moving and seems to be breathing uncomfortably.

I suppose, I'm wondering if anybody else has experienced this with their feline friend and what was the outcome for them, and indeed were you in my shoes, what would you do in my position.

He's a family pet, my 5 year old & 15 year old daughters are extremely fond of him, clearly, if he has a chance, I want to let him take it.
Equally, on the other hand, hard as it would be to do, I would rather put him down than to continue his undoubted suffering.

Oc/UK collective, I'd appreciate your thoughts.

Thanks. :(
Thanks for the thoughts & considered replys guys, he's just had approx 12ml of water via a 1ml syringe, he seems dehydrated (pulling his fur, it does not spring back into place) but his eyes are bright, his ears up & hes attentive of whats going on around him.

Its not been 24hours yet, so I am most likely going with the option of keeping his appointment with the vets in the morning.
The emergency vet we visited yesterday did say we could return with him anytime, regardless of time, so that option is still open.

For context, here he is in his temporary cage - a childs travel cot!




Thank you all for the thoughts & replys, very much appreciated.
Just been back up to him, he's still happy to take water, although crying loudly when he moved around a bit - he seems to have movement & feeling in all bar one back leg.

His pain killers will be wearing off a bit, he's due his next dose @ 6pm.

We'll stick with him until tomorrows vet appointment at the very least.

Update #2

Well, I never thought I'd be so pleased to see & smell cat poo & wee!!! :eek:

Its taken 24hours but he's just gone through the motions, somewhat messy given his state, but at least we know his bits & bobs are working and he can do his business.
Clearly, had this not been the case, well, I'm sure you can all guess what we were dreading would have come tomorrow.

The emergency vet last night stressed that this was the most crucial aspect of measuring his prognosis, bodily functions = a very very good chance of a full recovery.

Thought I'd let you all know, again, thanks for the comments & support.

Our relief is incredible although I imagine, Archies relief is somewhat greater! :D
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Update #3
Just got off the phone to my daughter (I'm at work) he's being kept in for the day at least,for X-rays & observation, it looks like his pelvis is indeed broken and that he has some damage to his rear left leg that may require surgery.

The main thing though, is the vet is happy he will recover, it will take time, certainly, but he should be ok in the long term :)

Given some comments, as a professional driver, I'll do my upmost upon his recovery to teach him the Highway Code, fit him with reflective stripes and see if I can attach a speed camera to him..... ;)

Joking apart, thanks again for the comments & sympathy expressed, it's appreciated greatly. :)
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Not insured unfortunately, so It'll be a bomb I'd guess....

Spent £154 at the weekend on the emergency consultation, not sure what today's or subsequent costs will be, certainly in excess of a nice pc upgrade for example!!

We have 3 other cats, none if which are insured, and a dog which is.
Clearly,I'll be looking to add the cats to the dogs policy as a matter of urgency. (Stable door, horses bolting & all that!!) :o

Ultimately though, it's not about cost, we just want the little chap better.
I had just finished typing a reply to the recent comments when my fiancé has just phoned me to say -- after his x-ray - its now clear that he's been completely crushed internally, and has to be put down.

Forgive the briefness of this post, I can't say much more right now.

Absolutely gutted :(
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And I'm miles from home, can't get back, my fiancée has her own grief and that of my teenager (15) & 5 year old - to top it off, our 5 year old lost her school teacher less than 2 weeks ago! :(

How on earth she in particular will take this, I dread to think :/

**** **** & ****!!!!
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Turns out he had at least 7 fractures in his pelvis, the vet saw no point in prolonging what must have been great suffering for him.
I'm kicking myself for not having him put down straight away on Saturday night, the emergency vet seemed so sure that this was extreme and not the best plan...
I guess hindsight is a wonderful thing, but feel truly dreadful that he must have had so much suffering, even if he didn't seem to be suffering, bar obvious discomfort when moving...

Not often you see a 17st 42year old trucker crying, I've been doing just that.
R.I.P. little chap, I wish I'd made a different decision.

Thanks to all for the comments, support & wishes
This is a superb community.

I'll be home tomorrow, my concern now is primarily my 5 year old who will be really struggling with this, especially given the recent & still raw loss of her schoolteacher.

Life can be very cruel. :/
Well, if I'm honest, I had lost a little faith in these forums recently (although I primarily post in motors which explains that I guess!)
The reaction, feedback & support shown to me, my family and obviously poor little Archie,has restored my faith in this community.
Sincerely, thank you all. :)

Now to get home to my girls who had to deal with yesterday without me due to my job :/
I've only just read through this today and I got the biggest smile on my face when I read that his bodily functions were okay, but then got teary eyed when I read that he had to be put down. So sorry for your loss.

I've much respect for you because of the above. For so many pet owners, the deciding factor would be cost. IMO, a pet becomes a family member, so cost shouldn't matter. I wouldn't have a second though about spending thousands to save one of my two cats (heck, I even moved them over with the wife and I from Canada).

Thank you mate.
We did have options, but, the vet saw no point in prolonging his suffering, Archie had multiple pelvis breaks, a fracture in his spine, tail & leg also. The x-rays - from what my fiancé told me - were a real mess.
She & my 15 year old got back to the vets before they put him down, they still administered pain relief even though he was effectively beyond saving.
She said he was ready to go, drugged up and out of pain. It was very peaceful for him, they were with him, it was quick.
My daughter took a picture if him once it was done, he looked asleep....

We talked about it last night, and think - with hindsight - we did our best for him.
Not that ultimately it's much comfort!
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