So my neighbour just gave me......

18 Oct 2002
Somewhere on the Rainbow
Cambridge Audio A1 Mk3 SE Amplifier
Philips CD 723 Player
Eltax monitor 3 Speakers

My elderly neighbour just asked if I wanted them before he binned them as they don’t listen to them anymore. Living in Yorkshire my instant response was yes. Are they worth keeping?

I’ve got some old home cinema kit in the loft I was going to reuse for a cd setup for the wife, Yamaha rxv750, Panasonic BDT110 Blu-ray player and Mission M7i speakers. But now I’ve got these I’m wondering which would be the better setup solely for CD playing?
Philips CD723 CD player vs Panasonic BDT110 Blu-ray player - No contest. The Philips all the way

Cambridge Audio A1 Mk3 SE Amplifier vs Yamaha rx-v750 - In theory it should be the CA A1, but for music only the two are very different propositions. The CA is a warm sounding amp but doesn't have a lot of power. The Yamaha (in Pure Audio mode) will sound brighter, possibly with a bigger sound stage, and it has more power.

Eltax monitor 3 Speakers vs Mission M7i (M71??) speakers - I think the Missions have it here.

As a combination, the Philips/CA/Eltax trio will make a "nice"; but that's nice as in polite, inoffensive, and maybe a touch boring.

My gut feeling is that the Missions will dig deeper, hit the rhythms a bit tighter, and generally keep things more organised when the music gets busy and loud. I think they'll sound far more forward - even teetering on the edge of sibilant if pushed too hard when playing poorer quality source material. The Eltax will be softer and not as revealing.

The amp choice could steer things one way or another.
Thanks Lucid, that’s what I was after. The wife is ok with the donated setup, and it is M71, I might try them later, they’re silver (2000 influence) so look a bit out of place.
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