so what your MPG

5 Jun 2003
sawley/ long eaton
so what MPG you getting out of you're bike
my ZR7 so far hasn't gone below 52mpg with the best of 67mpg
just filled up brim to brim and the last tank I got 55mpg

since I got the bike on 17th may
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No where near that,

Best i can get out of the zx6 is around 45, the zx9 is around 40. Should get one of them enfield thingies for commuting, think there up in the 90s.
No idea!

But I'm sorry and I have resisted this for years but: it's 'your'! Just think! And sort the title out :p

I used to get 58-60 on the f800. The k1300 takes more fuel and goes 30 miles less heh

[UPDATE]: Some rough calculations show it around the 46-48 MPG range. Pretty acceptable for over twice the horsies, 50 odd Kg extra weight and 500cc & a couple of cylinders more :)
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I normally get around 120-130 miles out of a tank but its only a 18 litre tank with some of that in reserve. This week though with sticky roads and the first decent week weather wise lights just come on @ 100
Over 32,285 miles, I'm averaging 58.5mpg. Best is 70, no idea how that happened...

*edit* just looked it up, I've spent £3,422.09 on petrol for this bike. Yikes.
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