So who is still using a Steam Controller?

19 Feb 2010
Just wondering how other people who have had these a while are getting on?

I've pretty much gone back to Xbox360 pad for most games now, despite the fact that the gyro on the Steam Controller is awesome for aim. The thing that's pushed me away is that I just can't get on with the right trackpad as a camera stick. I've tried but failed. :(

I think an Xbox360 pad with gyro would probably be ideal for me. I'm doing almost all of my gaming via Steam Link these days but really miss the accuracy of a mouse. Anyone using anything else? Doesn't the PS4 controller have a gyro? Will that work with PC?
Yes the DS4 has support through Steam, though I'm not sure on how good it is (don't own one) it should / will eventually work the same way. It sounds like they have big plans for the controller API:

I use a Steam controller, mainly for that right track pad mouse emulation. Honestly, I don't use it much since primarily prefer mouse and keyboard, but for those games I do I think it's fantastic.

Aha, thanks for that! I'll do some more digging. :)

Yep the pad is fine for mouse (eg: XCOM) but I've found it's not great for joystick look in games.
Tried it once the first day it turned up and haven't touched it since. Hated it.

I felt that way at first but in all honesty if you're willing to give it a chance it can be a good option. It definitely makes a lot of games accessible that wouldn't otherwise be on controller.

What I'd like to have seen is a "pop and replace" system where the right trackpad is modular so you could pull it out and replace it with a control stick. I also dislike the fact that the four buttons are so far in.

Gyro fine aiming is simply amazing though and feels very natural. It's something I'd like to keep, even if I end up ditching the SC.
In the end, even though I own a PS4 I just went and purchased the Bluetooth X1 controller, and battery pack, and its about as good a controller as I could possibly want.

I looked at the X1 but decided against it due to the lack of motion sensors. Steam natively supports PS4 pads already so took the jump. I guess I'll find out if that was a good decision or not tonight as it's been delivered today! :D
Well I've had an hour or so on the PS4 Dualshock 4 controller and have to say it's an absolute dream! Steam support is excellent.

Having the right stick along with Left trigger full pull set to gyro activate means that aiming and shooting the bow in Rise of the Tomb Raider is amazing... let go a little of the left trigger to stop the reticle moving before shooting and boom! :)

I can still see myself using the Steam Controller for the odd game but I think all my problems are now solved. :D
Just to confirm, you can map pretty much everything on a DS4 the same as you can with a Steam controller. It even lets you split the DS4 trackpad in two, although I've not played with it. It paired via Bluetooth to my Steam Link first time.

I mapped trackpad click to Select as I find the two function buttons are too high compared to what I'm used to.

I'd read comments about the gyro aim being "sticky" but didn't find that at all. Actually it's just as good as the Steam Controller's if not better.
Some more comments after a bit more time playing with the DS4.

Trying to map the trackpad is a bit hit and miss, it seems. There can be some odd behavior in certain situations (usually when mapped to something other than mouse) where it creates an input despite not being touched. Looks like this still has to be ironed out but remember that DS4 support is pretty new in SBP.

The only other thing is that I'm so used to the LH stick position on an XBOX360 pad that I'm having to get used to the new hand position, tilted more forward and inward to make the LH DS4 stick comfortable.

It'll be fine, it's just years of muscle memory getting in the way and I'm not suffering any discomfort. I do personally feel that the XBOX360 pad LH stick is in a more ergonomic place. As for the SC I didn't use the back paddles so no loss there, either.

I don't think I'll be going back to XB360 or SC anytime soon for the vast majority of gaming.
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It's a much better position on the Xbox pads in my opinion, although I don't find the XB1 pad as nice as the 360.

For me the 360 controller is the best, the only thing that could have made it perfect is a built in rechargeable battery rather than having to pay extra for the stupid kit.

On the flip side, Sony have really nailed the accuracy and deadzones on the DS4 controller. The 360 feels a bit sluggish and sloppy in comparison now IMHO although I have 4 of them so won't throw them away.

I think my perfect controller would be Xbox 360 pad layout with PS4 sticks and gyro sensors.
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