So.. yeah, what to do.

23 Dec 2010
Good evening, well it's early morning.. but whatever.

Got a sneaky peak of what I can do next year, at the moment I'm doing Java and it's pretty easy (so far).

Just wondering what I should do as I continue my course..

This is what we've been told we can do.

CS21120 data structures (queues, stacks, graphs … USING java)
CS25410 - assembler
CS23710 - C - procedural
CS22510 - C++ - OO
contrasting with C and java
SE31520 Ruby - OO
AI? – possibly lisp or prolog – functional
If you were in my shoes, what would you do?
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really depends on what you want to be able to do at the end of it surely?

Html 5 and ruby aren't that difficult to learn, lots of decent interactive guides available online such as here:

Isn't Procedural C used mainly with iOS? If that interests you then maybe consider that.

I'd be tempted to go with the things that are a) harder to study on your own, b) will lead to what you want to be doing after Uni and c) will lead to a job at the end of it.

So for me, C++ probably as first choice, then AI.
The pragmatic answer is choose whichever you are likely to do best at. Coming out with the best degree possible (First or 2i) is your aim. It's (only a bit) surprising how many employers will use the degree you got as a filter when working the pile of CV's in front of them.

In terms of what you will use during your career, data structures will be the most benefit. Apart from Ruby, I've used everything in your list and I would say knowledge of what data structures to use and when is a core skill every software engineer must have. Languages come in and out of fashion - but the fundamentals are always the same (or certainly have been over my nearly 25 years since graduating).
C! But I am biased and after 3 years of embedded C I moved to php in the web world... go figure xD.

What do you enjoy? Just do that, once you are competent and comfortable in one language, learning others is pretty easy just takes time for language specific quirks.
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