Sob! I finally get around to CS Source and...

18 Oct 2002
SX, unfortunately
I used to play Counter Strike a few years back when it was new. Then it went over to steam and I kind of lost interest. Then Source came out and I didn't want to have to buy it again so stopped playing altogether.

Bought a new PC recently, and decided I'd like to give it another crack. So bought CS Source. And not only am I now totally rubbish, but the game kept crashing, and I've just found out why, both the proc and vid heatsinks are burning hot :eek:

Oh for an easy life! :D So, I wonder how much a half decent vid card is to replace the Ati x300 or whatever this thing came with is....
This is probably best in the Graphics card forum, you will get more responses there in terms of graphics cards, just give them a budget and your other specs and im sure people will give some useful advice :)
nutcase_1uk said:
I used to play Counter Strike a few years back when it was new. Then it went over to steam and I kind of lost interest. Then Source came out and I didn't want to have to buy it again so stopped playing altogether.

Bought a new PC recently, and decided I'd like to give it another crack. So bought CS Source. And not only am I now totally rubbish, but the game kept crashing, and I've just found out why, both the proc and vid heatsinks are burning hot :eek:

Oh for an easy life! :D So, I wonder how much a half decent vid card is to replace the Ati x300 or whatever this thing came with is....

Heatsinks should be hot though, as that's the point of them :p Though what's your CPU temperature when playing? Make sure you have the latest video drivers + directx etc etc too.
ScarySquirrel said:
This is probably best in the Graphics card forum, you will get more responses there in terms of graphics cards, just give them a budget and your other specs and im sure people will give some useful advice :)

Yeah I know, but this was more aof a "oh great, to play a game I have to buy new hardware" thing. Not what hardware to get. I'll think about that part of things when I get paid again!

However, as for drivers, to be honest I've not checked. As for HS supposed to be hot, I know that, but not so hot as to actually burn my findger mildy :eek: And the game is crashing...

Not sure this thing has onboard temp monitoring. It's a dell dimension 5150
It is, although I just spent the last 20 mins hitting nothing :rolleyes: Go me!

Really don't want to spend more on comp stuff at the mo :(
nutcase_1uk said:
It is, although I just spent the last 20 mins hitting nothing :rolleyes: Go me!

Really don't want to spend more on comp stuff at the mo :(

I find it plays differently from Cs1.6

So it takes a while to get used to it.
nutcase_1uk said:
It is, although I just spent the last 20 mins hitting nothing :rolleyes: Go me!

thats nothing, i can count on both hands how many people ive killed online. i just cant get to grips with the damn thing. i give it a go every now and then though trying to get into it, but boy do i struggle.
is there just an immense learning curve or something? COD/BF2 i can pick up and play and usually blast my way to a decent score/good feeling when playing. but CSS just infuriates me at best :(
I can definitely relate to that!

More than once I've poured a whole mag into someone, blood coming off them. They walk off with 100 health. Huh?
nutcase_1uk said:
I can definitely relate to that!

More than once I've poured a whole mag into someone, blood coming off them. They walk off with 100 health. Huh?

German probably , could launch a nuke at em and they would walk away with out a stratch.
james.miller said:
oi dont diss the x300! it's all i have atm. At least you have a video card, mines onboard sharing ram with my cpu :( lol

I feel your pain, it can just about run css but your'll die often because of the low gfx which sucks. You should try bf2, thats funny. 50fps when staring at the sky! otherwise 15 or so :o

CSS used to work well on my old ti4200, you need to tweak a few settings but it does 50fps and looks ok. You could try lowering the dx level for a similar effect,
-dxlevel 70 on the command line is the one I think

net_graph 3 in the console should show any loss or choke which might explain your poor contact

The forums are good for .cfg files to try on older machines :)
funny that, even with my current 7800GTX - having HDR on does sometimes crash the game or even my whole system... i found playing condition zero first made source far easier. :D
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