Socket AM2 or 939?

15 Feb 2006
Chelmsford, Essex
Hey guys,

As you all probably know, Unreal Engine 3 powered games will most likely make an appearance on the PC this year in UT2007. I want a rig to play this game on decent settings. I have a budget of about £1500 to build a new system. Is it best to go socket AM2 and utilise DDR2 memory or would it be more sensible to stay a gen behind in order to get cheaper prices? Bacially.. I want the most performance and value for my money. I am also thinking of waiting to GeForce 8 series arrives.. Can anyone offer me any advice? Thanks
Well, the thought that is holding me back is that my current rig (3.2GHz P4 Northwood / 6800 GT / 1 GB RAM) seems to play all the current titles absolutely fine for my needs. I don't think theres going to be another game out more taxing than F.E.A.R until UT2007 arrives which is a long time yet so thats why I'm not sure about upgrading yet. I just dont know what to do :(
Dureth said:
Ah now that you state your current rig its a new ball game altogether. Wait for the AM2 and then upgrade. It's not like your bursting for a new system right the minute.

If you had been on a lower spec I'd have said buy a 939 system now.

Any ideas when the scheduled release date is for AM2? If its after UT2007 (which will probably be summer) then I'll go for a 939. Itf its before summer then I'll wait. Thing is.. if its gonna be buggy for the first couple of months which is what people are saying.. then it might cause me problems whilst im trying to enjoy playing my games and busy doing my work on it.
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