
5 Nov 2010
Wonder if you lot could shed some light on sofa brands and whether it's worth it or not.

We had our minds set on a LaZboy set originally, but we're just coming to put an offer on the new house and finding we could probably do with getting some cheaper sofas.
ScS have Carlton and Infinity sofas that look good and are a lot cheaper. But i have no idea how long they'll last compared to LaZboy.

Any suggestions on good price:quality ratio brands of sofas?
LaZboy aren't all that my parents have had nothing but problems with the set they got a couple of years ago with bits breaking and the leather wearing very quickly and discolouring and peeling.
I see the Carlton is pocket sprung which I'd recommend as the seat leather is a lot less likely to go all saggy compared to a standard foam seat where the foam will compress over time. The Infinity doesn't say it is pocket sprung from what I can see.
Had a pocket sprung leather suite (3 and a 2) for 6 years and the seat leather is still reasonably tight.
Think I tried out 15+ sofas I liked the look of but only a couple that I actually found comfortable.
Bought my suite from Harvey's.
Yeah the only way is to just go to these detestable places and try them to see. I hate going sofa shopping though. The members of staff are like hawks, always on your shoulder asking if you have seen anything yet. DFS has been my worst experience shopping, the guy almost walked right round the store with me. Hated every minute of it. Pressure, pressure pressure! Gah!
Cheers for the advise guys :)

As for going in and seeing being buying, yes i will obviously do this, but it doesn't give me any hint to how the sofa will be in 5-10 years time.

Will definitely look out for the pocket sprung ones, good shout!
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