Software combination: stupid idea?

3 Feb 2009

I'm looking to combine some things in my Home Server
- Greyhole
- Zentyal home server

However, I want the Amahi interface to Greyhole, because I'm totally new to Greyhole and don't want to be messing about in the command line with 3TB of data. I don't want to fully use Amahi, as it charges £5 for DNLA, £5 for Time Machine etc - they aren't big charges, but I don't want to be paying £60 for open source, free apps... it grates on me. I don't mind supporting them through their chosen methods - god knows I support less worthy causes with more money - but I don't have enough money to buy all the apps I'd need at once, especially when I'm experimenting as much as anything else.

Zentyal does everything I want apart from Greyhole and the Dynamic DNS, which Amahi does very well, but I don't know if the two home-server software's running on the same machine will clash too hideously.

Would it make any sense, then, to install a vanilla copy of Ubuntu, add XBMC then install BOTH Zentyal and Amahi on top. Or am I letting myself in for a world of pain with DNS and DHCP issues?

Any advice appreciated.
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