Software Developer - Apprenticeships

2 Nov 2009
I'm not after a apprenticeship, i'm university educated. However i'm interested in the skills they teach. Can someone tell me their experiences with them?

Do they teach general advanced computer skills? or just java / .net courses?

I'm wondering if they teach stuff like formal grammars(Useful for DSLs), compilers(Useful for DSLs), formal logic, AI & ML, programming languages beyond just OO/Imperative languages?

I've looked at the curriculum for apprenticeships and they seem to be just java schools as they appear to work mainly towards to certs like this:

However I want to know if I’m just generalising?
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I would imagine the skills taught will be directly related to what the company produces.

E.g. web development companies will teach HTML, CSS etc. Phone app companies will teach Java/Objective C/C# etc.

So you may cover compilers if you're helping write the next version of the .NET framework, or AI if you're involved in games development but your not going to get such a broad range of subjects working at one company.

Where are you based? Any where near Manchester we are looking for programmers, ideally with C experience but we are considering C# and java people as well... we have a little test for people to do...

Can't say I've heard of software development apprenticeships. If you're uni educated just get a junior role with a company who will invest a bit of time in you?

It's not for me(I have a MSc in CS). However someone wants to become a software developer, but they want to formally learn about stuff like compilers, and machine learning etc after seeing my work rather than just pure programming. I've worked with software apprenticeships before, and they were mainly working towards java certs. However I wanted to know if this is just an exception.

I suspected most apprenticeships did not teach these skills, and it looks as i'm right; it's annoying because these skills indirectly make you a better developer. I think they're far too specialised and risks being shoved into a niche of which they can't escape. I think apprenticeships should be far more general to be a serious alternative for university. Only then will I be happy to recommend them.

Sounds as if they've ripped out the stuff that companies can't get return on straight away? Which is disappointing because long term success of the developer can increase via those skills.
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Where are you based? Any where near Manchester we are looking for programmers, ideally with C experience but we are considering C# and java people as well... we have a little test for people to do...


I am not really interested in the Job but would love to know if I could do the test, if you dont mind me doing it, could you trust me it. Hope that isnt too cheeky - or maybe one you used previously.
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