software developer internship

2 Oct 2004
N.W London
Hey guys,

Needed some advice.

A friend recently started a software developer internship after finishing in his second year at uni and needed some advice, as I dont know thought Id post here.

Basically at uni he learnt Java, in this internship he has to use C# , he told them this at the interview.

On day 1 he was given a task to write a program to convert XML to C# and then to update a database using lambda functions and LINQ. Basically what he has never done before.

So he tried asking for help and support and seems that even full time developers dont fully know what to do.

He was wondering if this is how all software developer internships are?

Is there no training? Is doesnt want to walk out and leave despite being quite honest and telling me he is not learning anything.

He basically sits at his desk and googles code and tries it out for 9hrs per day.

Can anyone experienced in internships provide any advice or any programmers?

Is this what happens in industry?

Thanks for your help as always
If he is completely ignored all day every day and makes zero progress then something is wrong.

thats what seems to be happening....the progress he makes is by asking for help or from googling stuff.

he told me he has to code in visual studio and had never used that before, he did not even know how to start coding the program whether to use a windows form or a console. When he asked two different developers they gave him conflicting advice.

he has been badgering away but expected some kind of mentor or people to go to for help and to be introduced to them so wouldnt feel like a lemon just arriving at their desk asking for help.

he was not even told who to approach if he had any questions nor was he introduced to other members of the team.

fortunately he is a social person so introduced himself to a few people.

its important to note he is not a junior developer, he has just finished 2year of university and only has around 15months of coding in java under his belt in the form of assignments.

his worry is that he is not learning, sure the code compiles and work but that does mean its a good way of doing things etc

thanks for all replies so far
I would advise you tell him to find someone who is relatively new/young as they will probably be more willing to help than the older generation who in my experience just like getting on with their job more than anything else. If possible also get someone to look over his code to check that it not only works (ie outputs what it needs to) but is also written in a good way. To use the above analogy even once you have tied your lace if no one showed you how to you might have just cellotaped the string down.

do you think he should continue? or is it like this in most places?

he is worried that if he pulls it off and writes the program then the tasks will only get harder. he feels like it would have been better had they got him to work with someone and write part of it. that way he could ask them for questions and kind of buddy up with them.

the funny thing is when he does ask for help not a lot of people (senior) know what to do, they confuse him even more.

So how much will he learn compared to lets say another company where he does receive some guidance and works in a team etc
thanks for your responses and suggestions...

i have been in touch with him every 2 - 3 days and spoke to him earlier today.

he mentioned he always tries things first, attempts to think through the logic by himself but feels frustated at the lack of skills university equipped him with him.

so what he has started doing is approaching team members and explaining what he is doing, how he thinks he should do it or show them what he has done and difficultly he is having trying to resolve the rest of it. He feels this is the best way and they have been helping as they appreciate he has not done anything like this so are pulling together to help.

he said he always tries first before approaching them to show that he is at least trying.

he also said he speaks to people telling them how he would go about it and if they have any learning resources he can come upto speed with on the matter

thanks for your help guys
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