Software for auditing of PCs

8 Feb 2004

Not sure if this exists or indeed if this is the rights forum.

For a medium sized enterprise that has say 500 machines, almost exclusively windows. Most networked, some not. Some still running XP. What is the easiest way of running an audit on these machines such that the output of the audit can be digitised. I am thinking a manual USB type operation with a technician visiting each machine in turn. What I would like to include would be basic hardware/OS information. Network status, storage total/available. The purpose of the audit relates to estimating cost of upgrades and putting in place a backup solution.

Any ideas?

Running something manually on 500 machines doesn't sound like much fun.

For the networked devices I'd suggest looking at something like Lansweeper or PDQ Inventory, they can discover and inventory all the devices on your network and also takes care of putting that information in to reports for you.
dxdiag should give you all you need and as it's a text file, most of your users should be able to get you the file via email if you can't get to them.

You could from there write a small little something to read specific lines and get it into another file or DB/

Not sure if this exists or indeed if this is the rights forum.

For a medium sized enterprise that has say 500 machines, almost exclusively windows. Most networked, some not. Some still running XP. What is the easiest way of running an audit on these machines such that the output of the audit can be digitised. I am thinking a manual USB type operation with a technician visiting each machine in turn. What I would like to include would be basic hardware/OS information. Network status, storage total/available. The purpose of the audit relates to estimating cost of upgrades and putting in place a backup solution.

Any ideas?

You could use a Powershell script to get this from machines remotely and put it in a central DB / location

Or could go a bit OTT using the free version of Elasticsearch maybe? Though you'd need something like SCCM to push out the agents:
I have developed a VB app that does this, uses the WMI call to grab info on machines and then writes back to a SQL database.

The app is running from a central server and as long as the account running the app has admin rights to the end point, it will collect the info.
Microsoft Map is all you need. It's free, you run it from one location only, and it gives you a comprehensive set of reports and output from what OSs are out there, what licenses are out there, down to what apps are installed on every desktop/server scanned.

Have used it consistently over the past 15 years as a starting point for audits of tiny to large enterprises.
First, send out technicians to get ALL machines ON the network would be my advice. Possibly running local virus scans first.
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