Software or Hardware - Sharing a Mouse & Keyboard

19 Oct 2002
We're on the last stretch before our office shuts and we will be working from home! I've already been relegated upstairs on my own so we can space out the main office (only a small company of 10).

When the shutdown happens, our IT wants us to take our computers home, to work from home with, rather than using our own home PC's (Security, Licencing etc...)

Problem is I live in a small Flat, My Work PC is HUGE (HP Z230) and I already have a large home computer, that Myself, the wife, and kids use... We have no space to set up another full computer system!!

I initially thought KVM to save on space (there's just enough for the Work Tower along side the Home PC)... But my monitor has multiple inputs (2x HDMI, 1x DVI) so I'd only need Keyboard and Mouse sharing between the two computers.

I've looked on various buying sites (no names) for a KM switches and they seem to be £10 - £25 with very mixed reviews! I've also googled KM software, and found a few (Synergy, Input Director etc.. even one from a Microsoft developer), but again mixed reviews!

Anyone out there have any recommendations? do you use hardware? Software? which ones? how much?? I don't want to have to spend too much!!

Thanks in advance!
We have to dial into our server, pick up our work package, then disconnect. But working locally to my machine (AutoCAD, PDS, Microdrainage etc...)
How would I set up an RDP on my home network? I've used it before!! but it was set up b someone else!!

My home PC is Win10 Home (doesn't have RDP) and the work machine is Win10 Pro

I do have Teamviewer on both machines! would that be a good alternative?

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