*** software should i use? [Online Community related]

31 Oct 2003
Derby, UK
What software should i use? [Online Community related]

Me and a few friends have come up with some pretty hairbrained ideas whilst being at university and one of these was to create and promote an online community amongst our friends (to begin with).

Currently ive got several different pieces of software on different subdomains but ideally i would like one piece of software to handle the following (ie a CMS - but dont know where to begin looking):

Image Gallery
Some form of file uploader
A Blog
Anything else you think is cool and would be of use?

Thanks again, i have no problem with installing the software and sorting out the databases etc, just dont go suggesting writing my own as my knowledge of php and the like is fairly limited!

Thanks again


PS. The language is php (4.4) on an apache server :)
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I've dabbled with phpNuke, PostNuke and Mambo in the past but Xoops has so far been the only one that I've managed to get along with. One example is www.largefamilies.co.uk

As with most CMS packages, you have a choice of several modules to bolt on including forums, chat, shops, polls, blogs, reviews, article management, classified ads and other more specialised additions.
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