Software similar to Mazuma/EnviroPhone etc

30 Apr 2007
Hi All,

A good friend of mine and business colleague is looking into offering a service where customers looking to sell their old laptops/desktop PC's could pop in the specification of their computer in a quick form, and the brand and that would calculate a price. Then we would have a second section which reduces the offer based on the condition (smashed/damaged screen, doesn't power on etc).

I wondered if there was anything available that could be utilised easier as it's a reasonably low budget start up to add to their existing business and would prefer something as "off the shelf" as possible.

16 Jun 2013
I don't think they're using any special software only a database with prices/models. The second half would just be a modifier on the price returned from the database. It's simple to set up but would be a nightmare to input all the models/prices.

It would a simple SQL query to retrieve the value from database and a second the modifier which could be done in PHP.

You could most likely use a wordpress site and a just create the form on it.

I guess you could use another sql set to run once a week that reduces the valuation by X amount. Would save the tedium of updating prices manually you'd only have to access the database to add new items. You could also run a second line that removes items that have dropped below a certain price that would no longer be worth accepting.
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