software update on a small network?

3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco
Is there a way of getting one 10.5 install to look at another 10.5 for its software updates?

Currently I have 3 macs with clean installs of 10.5 on all, and theres about 500 megs of updates for each one of them. What I want to do is to update one of them, then tell the other machines to take its updates from the machine thats been updated; is this possible?


There's a program called software update enabler that seems to do the trick, I'm still playing with it at the moment.
I can't get it to work!! the network works fine, but when I enter the name or the ip address of the computer with the updates its states that its an invalid server.

is there a way of making the machine downloading the updates cache the updates on its hdd so all i have to do is copy the dmg across the network and run them?
By the looks of it the only way to do it is to run a server version of X... its a shame that (as far as I'm aware off at the moment) it can't be done as more and more people are getting multiple macs and I seem to be always updating software at the moment on different machines... I will just download them in DMG files and run them onthe machines after...
Yeah, its a bit more tedious but at least you can get on with it instead of waiting to download. Maybe someone else knows of a quicker way to update multiple Macs on the same network.

At least if you keep the images you'll be able to more quickly restore a Mac should one ever go down.
Going back to this... has anyone used the option in software update... update > install and keep packages? does this keep the dmg files.. I can't try it at the moment as mine are up to date...
You can choose to download and save updates.. Just run software update and tell it to save the updates to the desktop.

That way you can run the installers at your leisure.
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