Software update on TV?

22 Oct 2005
Hi all.

A few months ago I bought a LG42LD450 tv. It's been working fine since day one, but a few days ago I got a popup appear when I turned it on. Something along the lines of:

"A software update is available, would you like to install? Yes/No" (Can't remember the exact message as I'm at work).

I've pressed no the last few days until I could find out what it was it is about, but I can't find out anything on the web about it! All I can find is post about updating the firmware for a usb hack.

Anyone one else seen this before? No idea how it appeared or what it will do!

Same on mine the other day (different model though), I just pressed yes and forgot about it. Doesn't seem to be doing it any more aside from telling me it had installed a new version, nothing looks any different, can still watch TV, everything still works.

Wouldn't worry about it and just press yes to make it go away :)

it did take ages though, I left it going overnight I think (power LED went red and blue rather than straight to red, was red when I woke up)
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