Thought I'd ask others as we've had a few issues.
System installed in Nov 2017, Tigo optimisers and Solax inverter.
I noticed around 2022 that the system wasn't producing max power, looking into it a bit more, a few years before I noticed, a Tigo box had blown, then a couple more a bit later.
I think it was 3 or 4 in total. Loosing out on a few years of generation.
With our installer, after the first year install you have to pay for them to come out. But I had a lot of arguments with them first, was also in my pack that it's £250 a call out, but years on it was £325.
I paid, they turned up, the guys agreed it was faulty, albeit the office didn't believe me.
The whole system was replaced with solar edge, as they no longer dealt with Tigo. Bargain I thought....
Roll onto now, just under 2 years on, bang, inverter blown.
2nd failure in around 7 years!
Solar edge have confirmed the inverter is faulty and sending me a replacement, then the installer can come out and swap it, for a charge! They said £325, but agreed to a discount, so it will be £150, as we've had previous issues.
Still not great, around £500 spent on repairs in 7 years. And how long will the next inverter last!?
What other issues have you lot had?
System installed in Nov 2017, Tigo optimisers and Solax inverter.
I noticed around 2022 that the system wasn't producing max power, looking into it a bit more, a few years before I noticed, a Tigo box had blown, then a couple more a bit later.
I think it was 3 or 4 in total. Loosing out on a few years of generation.
With our installer, after the first year install you have to pay for them to come out. But I had a lot of arguments with them first, was also in my pack that it's £250 a call out, but years on it was £325.
I paid, they turned up, the guys agreed it was faulty, albeit the office didn't believe me.
The whole system was replaced with solar edge, as they no longer dealt with Tigo. Bargain I thought....
Roll onto now, just under 2 years on, bang, inverter blown.
2nd failure in around 7 years!
Solar edge have confirmed the inverter is faulty and sending me a replacement, then the installer can come out and swap it, for a charge! They said £325, but agreed to a discount, so it will be £150, as we've had previous issues.
Still not great, around £500 spent on repairs in 7 years. And how long will the next inverter last!?
What other issues have you lot had?