soldering question

7 Jul 2005
sorry that this is nothing to do with computer hardware, but i didnt know where else to ask!

ps2 controllers have 2 vibraters each side of the handset and one of them doesnt work. i opend it up and realised one of the 2 wires from the vibrator coming from the aeroboard (motherboard) has come away from its solder. i tried soldering it back on but i cant seem to melt it so i was going to stick it back on with superglue, but the wire thats come off is a mill away from the other wire solder so my question is this..

would supergluing a wire back onto the chip mess up the controller if i accidently connected the glue with the other solder. sorry if its hard to understand, my english aint that good , thanx for reading
i havnt actually got a solder iron. last time i used one was about 6/7 years ago and that was to make an egg timer! im just going to buy a new controller off ebay for dead cheap, gran turismo aint the same without vibration
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