Soldier of Fortune 2 - ClanBase - OSP

1 Jan 2020

My name is vithos and about 15 years ago I was a kid pwning noobs on a game called sof2, we used to play on clanbase 5v5 ctf + 5v5 inf, opencups, eurocups, and other leagues.

This is just an awareness post to let people know that we currently have a community of ~300 discord members with around ~40 active players (Opened in Oct 19) playing mixes and some pub daily, sof2 gold, osp, normal damage

Did you play sof2? play on clanbase? long time ago? maybe you'll be interested in trying again, hearing FIRE IN THE HOLE 5 times a second whilst blasting someone in the face with an M203, we have everything to get the game up and running on our discord.

Invite link is hopefully allowed -> *** link removed 26/09/23 ***

or PM me if you'd like to join our growing community.

PS: We also have some matches uploaded to my YT, from WasteD vs Outlaws in 2005 EC Final to a 2019 5v5 mix recently. -> *** link removed 26/09/23 ***

Cheers and hope i've sparked some nostalgia for a few.
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The mod we use is OSP and everything you need is available to download with us, i'm sure there's a very small % that played OSP and same 'match mode' as majority of our discord are used to, so it won't be what EVERYONE remembers about sof ;}
Hi! Just found this thread and registered to say hello, even if nobody reads it.

Ares here, mainly played in volatile and LoR.

I'm glad people still remember this game. I miss the old clanbase and eurocup days.
just checking in on this old thread and I ofcourse remember you, where is Firstcore in your previous teams?! ;) The spanish destroyer. Arska is still playing, and I spoke to Leo a few months ago.
Hiya, found this thread.

DarkManX here!

I still play games with Ru$$ian/SmokaJ, who some of you might know.

I was in EDS and cG.

Just saying hiya.

I wonder if Geisers mum ever let him stay on his internet, MY KILL KRUSH!
Well well well! Craig isn't it?? Hahaha the history we share, cu @ lime street pleb x -vithos
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You ol' clanbase peoples reminiscing, we had a busting community of mainly gold but a few silver players too playing multiple 5v5 ctf jor/shop2/shop69 but mainly jor pickup pugs/drafts like every night for months on Discord around covid iirc, it was an absolute dream to play again. The amount of nostalgia i got hunting down so many old names and getting them into the discord, they didn't need much convincing to get a pc and sof2 to play again, while it lasted anyways! It was like riding a bike after getting rid of the rust completely covering it.

Enjoy this from them times (2020) when torz recorded and uploaded gameplay on jor1/shop69 with comms -
Arska, WAMBATTAH, vithos, torzelan & björn VS SK (Captain), LiNuX, virii, NeaX, Wide

Discord links never hold, once i dropped out of activity i gave control of the "SoF2 LegendZ" discord to riskeh/solich who renamed it to -> - should any of you want to pursue your sof2 dream again, they can accomodate.

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Bump, we found Krush and we found Vins, Team-Solid reunited. We also found 100 other clanbase sof2 players. We now have an invite-only community from cb sof2 2002-2007 and play a mix or two most nights

Also got the guy above and Terry - improvize, murdoc, where are ya?! :)

Old ghosts of clanbase sof2, get in touch! vithos on Discord.

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Le bump, we're upto 120 members from clanbase 2002-2007, got about 20 matches from CB sof2 days on youtube (search vithos sof2)

We even recently did a showmatch of Team-Solid vs Compact-Gaming with original lineups from 20 years ago, INF 5v5 jor1/shop with shoutcast that is also on my youtube

Any other old clanbase lurkers hiding in the shadows around here??
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