Soldiers: Heroes of WW2

21 May 2004
South Staffs
Is the full game of this any good, specifically in MP?

Played the demo, and feels a bit like an updated Cannon Fodder, which is not necessarily a bad thing! Seems like it could be a laugh in co-op mode?

Shame its got Starforce, though...
I absolutely loved this game in single player. Never tried MP tho. Apparently there is a sequel due out sometime but it looks as though its a more close up view and different squad management, hopefully they won't bugger it up.
Great game imo. Never tried MP but played a lot of CO-OP with a cppl of mates across a LAN. You only need one copy too, once you have started the game you can remove the disk and use it to start up the game for the other players.
The coop on this is absolutely superb, your crazy not to try it. It is hard but once you get the hang of it youll play it over and over, we did at work anyway :)

Also, even if you pass or fail the objective, on some maps you can play on and fight off, waves of tanks until you run out of ammo or tanks.

Still looks great too.
Yeah its a great game, Coop in MP especially, SP is really difficult even on Easy, there are one or two MP mods out, i remember playing one SoE Storm Over Europe, absolutly superb, game might feel abit dated now though.
I found this game bloody hard and hence flogged it on eBay. Does anyone know if the new Sold-Out DVD version still has Starforce protection?
Loved the single player, played multiplayer for a good few months with my mates over teamspeak, great fun.
One of my favourite games from a genre that I play the least. Anybody know of anything similar other than Panzers which I have played.
Bah, after playing this on my Desktop PC's, recommending it to a few friends, I've found that it wont work on our laptops (which is what we take over to a mates house to play on)...even at the lowest details it runs like crap :( Doh!

For a £5 though it might be worth a purchase for some internet play...
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