SOLVED! 7900XT with a 5700X

10 Nov 2005
Sooo, from what I've red on people that actually own both/have tested cpu upgrades afterwards, there doesn't seem to be a bottleneck using a 5700x with a 7900XT...

I figure I'm gonna go all out with this build now fack it, what's another £240 ontop of the 6800XT I was gonna buy eh!

Given my usage 1080p @60fps locked for SP games with an undervolt on everything (low power consumption themed bang per buck build plus anything above 60fps for SP is pointless imho) and capped at 144 1:1 with my monitor for MP, that this should last be a fair few years at ultra then high then medium 1080p mixed settings

Does anyone on here run this combo? I see many people with a 5700x/5800/5800x3d backing up what I've already red, they even said a 5600X probably wouldn't bottleneck it enough to notice, so a 5700X appears to be the sweet spot considering I got one brand new for silly cheap and have everything else ready to go come next month when I can buy this.

I find it hard to say no considering the 7900XT is even slightly less TDP/smaller than the 6800XT as well! (not that my case wouldn't fit a 6800XT)

I'd rather spend the money now than in a year or 2 think damn for £240 more I could have something better which isn't going to buy me a new card in 2-3 years? Does that make sense?

This is mainly for the extra vram future proofing with things like TCP/TLOU/UE5/Witcher 4/1 Remake etc etc and the ability to run either high/ultra for many years at 1080p with 0 compromise.
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If you already have a 5700X then it's fine, I'd just keep it and it will certainly do the job for 60 fps, but for playing at 1080p with a 7900 XT you're far more likely to be hitting a CPU bottleneck in the vast majority of games (than e.g. someone playing at 4K, which is more likely with a 7900 XT).
My theory was it was worth going for this over a 6800xt as I'll gain the 4gb extra vram and it's a faster/better card in general and will net me a few more years at 60fps 1080p high-ultra then going to medium-high over the years that follow that?
Hard to say, personally I'd be more likely to buy a card that's more modest and is designed for 1080p (e.g. the upcoming 7600 XT or 4060 Ti) and then replace it in 3-4 years when it is too slow. £750 for 1080p/60 fps is way more than I'd pay.
I was thinking more the fact that I can run everything at ultra settings for a good couple years without running out of vram at 60fps 1080p vs only having around 3-4gb left currently with things like TLOU/The Callisto Protocol/Dead Space remake/UE5 games/Witcher 4/1 Remake etc etc.
Then when it chugs in years to come drop down accordingly, I'd rather spend the money now than in a year or 2 think damn for £240 more I could have something better which isn't going to buy me a new card in 2-3 years? Does that make sense?
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Yeah, but something like a 6600 or 3060 is what you're supposed to buy for 1080p and £240 would buy you one of those. I don't know what the 7600 XT will be, but I wouldn't want to pay much more than £300.

If you're investing for the future like that, then you're effectively betting against AMD/NVIDIA making much progress and that it will last significantly beyond the warranty.
Yeah it's more the added vram that's making this very tempting for future proofing. A 6600XT won't play ultra settings games like the ones I've mentioned at 1080p 60fps, a 6700xt/6800xt will, but for how long with the more demanding titles coming out.
I'm just after a do it once do it right, get 2-3 years at ultra/high settings 1080p/60fps in the most demanding of engine games. Then crank it down after that.
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6700XT or non-XT if your sticking with 1080p. The to be released 7600XT might be an option if your waiting. If your open to move up to 1440p a price shaved 7900XT (or maybe they will release the non XT version) should be good to last for a long while. With either you can take advantage of the SAM which seems to do better than nvidia's bar which barely offers any improvement.
I'm thinking more about do it once do it right fit and forget, pay a lil extra now and reep the benefits of future proofed high/ultra settings for many years thanks to the 20gb vram. Then anything taxing like UE5/DS remake/TCP/Witcher 4/1 remake etc etc will be very ram happy. Plus the ray tracing seems to behave on the newer cards so that's a bonus if I choose to use it.
Dunno if much use but a reference or two here. Seems to be the 6700XT as the level at lower resolutions. If you maybe switch to a 1440p panel down the line it will still do well and the crowd are all into their upscaling tech on here so you have FSR. :)

You could also entertain the 6950XT for £590 which will have plenty in the tank for down the road @keef247 .
Hmm people I know have 5600x,5700x and have 6800xt's and don't seem to have those issues so bit unsure. maybe I will stick with the 6800xt then...

I keep seeing conflicting info to wether my 5700x will bottleneck the 7900xt or not...
I could happily go for a 1440p monitor as well and play games at that res as there's a 32" I wanted last year anyway so makes it an easy excuse to upgrade my moni as well... Hmmm
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Nah screw it actually I'm getting one haha, like someone else said elsewhere "Just get the 7900xt. So called "bottle neck" will only mean you'll lose 1-3% FPS. When you're getting 50% extra performance, you're not going to notice. some point in the future grab yourself a cheap 5800x3d anyway"
For most games, right now, playing at 1080p, then a 7900 XT will be bottlenecked by the 5700X. In the latest games, especially if you're happy with 60 fps, then it is really a non-issue, since the CPU won't hold you back from achieving this goal.

Where it would be an issue, is games that are heavily CPU-bottlenecked by nature, OR competitive high refresh gaming, where I'm really thinking of esport games that hit a CPU bottleneck pretty easily. For these games, you'd definitely need to consider the bottleneck, but that's a specific use case.

If you plan to play at 1080p, but want to use ultra + RTX in the latest games, then I think the bottleneck will push further toward the GPU, the longer you run the system.

With 1440p or 4K, in games that aren't very old, then a 5700X would be largely a non-issue, except in some edge cases where games love the 3D cache (from a 5800X3D), or they're just old and/or not very GPU-oriented.

I don't personally think the question of whether the 5700X will bottleneck a 7900 XT is relevant, since you already own the 5700X, so my question is only: is it worth trying to 'future proof' by buying a 7900 XT for 1080p. If you plan an upgrade to 1440p at some point, then this gives the question extra oomph which makes me far more inclined to say the card is worthwhile.
I probably will only play csgo/2 at 144hz 1:1 with my monitor depending on if I get bored of it quickly, but yeah the goal is SP at 60fps and as high settings as possible for as many years as possible, in the future I can always get a cheap 5800x3d when it becomes more of a cpu issue.
The main goal is just being able to squeeze high/ultra settings at 1080p for as many years as possible @ 60fps in SP games.
With that hardware your well equipped to step up to 1440p and these monitors are excellent value nowadays with tons of features. By stepping like that your putting more onus on the gpu hence why a 6950XT or a 7900XT would be better regarding SP 60 to 120 fps as you jack up the settings.
yeah there is a 1440p 32" 165hz i was eyeing up last year I fancy haha!
Doh, CS GO is one of the few edge cases that you'll experience a CPU bottleneck easily (1/3rd down the page here) :o But, if you're content with 144 then it doesn't matter.
yeah the current 1080p 27" aoc is 144hz. I'd never upgrade a moni for MP put it that way as I quickly get annoyed/bored of it and all the hackers/bs these days and people on stupid 500hz or whatever hz monitors these days.
SP is where my heart lies with gaming these days. I like an immersive story.

Made my decision now to stick with the 7900XT thanks for your help anyways guys.
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I have a 5700x + 7900 XT, but I'm going for UWQHD@100 fps and 4K60. I haven't tried 1080p or benchmarked at that res on this setup.

Sounds like you've made up your mind. I might re-benchmark at 1080p myself at some point now out of curiosity.
Is your psu fine with it? As Sapphire's website states a minimum of a 750w. What made you go for the Pulse over the standard sapphire? I was just going to get the normal/base model? I will be using a 850w NZXT psu.
Did you undervolt?
You couldn't do me a big favour and tell me how much wattage the 7900XT uses at a framecapped 1080p 60fps via radeon chill/in game with any one of these TLOU/Cyberpunk/Dead Space remake/RE4 Remake/The Callisto Protocol? Just want to make sure I can still get it to run nice and low wattage draw like I know I can get a 6800XT to do.
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Yep, my old 750W is fine. Can up max the power limit and O/C the card too. No doubt helps the Ryzen 5700X has very low power draw compared with many CPUs.

I went for Sapphire Pulse over reference as it's supposed to be a lot quieter and cooler, and was only ~£50 more. I've definitely been impressed with the temps and lack of fan noise.

Looks like you got your answer elsewhere regarding frame capped power consumption ;)
Yeah mate it's an ideal pairing for a low power consumption build.
Ah that's fair enough.

Cheers for your help bud.
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